New Rob Interview
Apr 30th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News
Click here to read the exclusive interview with Robert Pattinson on Fandango, that discusses Twilight, Little Ashes, and a close encounter at Blockbuster!
Fandango: Dalí was a famed surrealist and no doubt you’ve had your share of surreal experiences in the last few months – like fans screaming over cardboard cutouts of you at the video store.
Pattinson: I know! I was in a Blockbuster on the day it was being released. I had forgotten it was being released that day. There were two families who had come with eight- or nine-year old-daughters to get their DVD. They were standing in the line crying and I stood watching what all this commotion was about. They didn’t know I was there or anything. I was just thinking “Wow, you’re crying about a DVD.” It’s fascinating.
Fandango: And you never revealed yourself to them?
Pattinson: No way! [laughs]
Fandango: Do you and your castmates try to top each other with the wild post-fame encounters you’ve had?
Pattinson: In a lot of ways they are all quite similar. The funny thing is that I’m always going around trying to look as inconspicuous as possible I find that people are always really disappointed when they actually recognize me. They are like ‘”Oh! At first I thought you were a bum but then I realized who you were.”