Rob Talks Nude Scenes

Apr 30th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Moviefone has posted the second part of their interview with Robert Pattinson here!

I read that you were really nervous about filming the nude scenes and the explicit scenes, how did you prepare yourself for those?

[Laughs] I had so many ridiculous answers just come into my head [more laughs]. I had a penis implant! I don’t know, I just kind of, it’s funny because Spanish people are so … have no problem with nudity at all, I mean at all, and English people obviously do have, like, the most enormous problem with it. It’s like little things, like when I saw my father getting changed for swimming I got, like, traumatized by it … I don’t really know what I did, I just kind of freaked out a bit. [Laughs]

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