Ashley’s New Love

May 1st, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

It seems that Ashley Greene has a new love–a new puppy named Marlow!  (Thanks to Jen for the info)

“She was meant to be mine,” gushed the 22-year-old actress, who plays the pixie-like vampire Alice Cullen in the popular series, of her new puppy, Marlow. “I wasn’t looking for a dog, and I happened to see her picture online, and I was like, ‘I have to have that dog.’ “

The lucky canine in question – a white Toy Fox Terrier – spent the evening in the lap of luxury as Greene lovingly cradled her throughout much of the For Joseph launch party at the new Kitson Melrose in West Hollywood. The twosome even posed for photos with Greene’s fellow on-screen vampire, Kellan Lutz – Marlow showing her excitement by alternating between dozing and shivering.

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