New Moon Set Pictures

May 1st, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Vancity has new pictures of some of the cast filming a scene on a movie theatre set!

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10 Comments to “New Moon Set Pictures”

  1. Erica says:

    awesome! are these from both the movie with jessica and the movie with jacob and mike. i guess theyre shooting both scenes on the same day. i cant wait to see the part when jacob and mike are both waiting for bella to grab their hand. hahaha

  2. Cedar says:


  3. Carolina G.B. says:


  4. Martha says:

    If I may make a suggetion, there are alot of people who would love an autograph, but don’t want to bug the cast while they are shooting, or even when they’re not (like me), that if they took a day and did a formal sit down autograph session, that it would take some of the heat off the locations. Perhaps a petition? I wouldn’t konw how to get one going…anyone else?

  5. Chloe says:


  6. alana =) says:

    ya y yay yay!

  7. Git 'r Done! (Amy) says:

    Am I confused, or is Jessica in the movie theater scenes??

  8. Bea(FanOfTheMonth-March) says:

    who is the guy running in the pic?????? is that Taylor lautner???? cant be!!! he isnt even in new moon in that part……
    oh!! it was!!! did they just add that part in 4 the movie???? or maybe it was when billy said they were in port angeles…… hmmmm

  9. Candra says:

    I really hate Kristen.
    Sorry to all the Kristen fans who think she is rite 4 the part but i think Stephenie should have sed somthin about her bcuz she is NOT Bella.
    I’m just stating my opinion so dont get mad at me Kristen Homies

  10. Megan says:

    Wow.. gotta love taylor =D

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