Motorcycle Set Pics

May 4th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Lainey Gossip has new photos from the set of New Moon here!

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8 Comments to “Motorcycle Set Pics”

  1. Kati says:

    Where is that scene in the book?

  2. Olivia says:

    ditto… I’m clueless…

  3. Cedar says:

    OMG! I love that part in the book where she is riding with Jake!

  4. alana says:

    woo yay! =) i agree where was this but anywho looks great!

  5. olindaa :) says:

    but the man is not jake… weird

  6. Julia says:

    Yeah, it’s really weird… you know that part where she and Jessica go to the movies, and then later Bella sees some guys who she thinks are the guys from Twilight, who you know, basically were gonna attack her, and she wants to talk to them. Well, in the movie, they’re doing this scene where Bella actually goes on a motorcycle ride with one of them to put herself in danger…. and Edward is there and is all DON’T DO IT and junk…
    Which I think is REALLY DUMB Bella in the book would NEVER DO THAT and besides, the creepy guy would KILL HER.

  7. Becky says:

    no offense but thats really stupid, they should keep it to the book s much as possible.

  8. Camille says:

    How do you know about the plot change, Julia?

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