New Moon Contest Winner Announced

May 4th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Summit has sent out an email announcing the winner of the Be A Part Of New Moon contest!  You can view the winning entry here!

“Even though we only get to pick one winner, we wanted to thank everyone who entered. In the process of watching thousands of entries, we’ve gotten a chance to “get to know” so many of you through your heartfelt, hilarious, and brilliant videos, and to be quite honest, you have all amazed us.

Twilight fans are truly some of the most dedicated and creative fans ever, and we loved every minute of watching you. If you haven’t already, please register for the Twilight email list on the official film website – we’ve got some exciting stuff coming up, and we want to make sure you guys know all about it!

Peace Out,
Official “Be a Part of New Moon” Contest Judges”

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