Justin Guarini Wants In On “New Moon” Soundtrack

May 13th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV has a new article on Justin Guarini’s campaign to get his song “I Can’t Live” on the New Moon soundtrack.

“Believe it or not, Guarini insists that he’s not just trying to bank on the success of the franchise. He says it’s because he’s a big “Twilight” fan. “I’m a fan of the books,” Guarini told MTV News. “At the time I went in to write this song, the two other writers were talking about the books, and we got into a conversation about it. As we were writing it, we thought, there’s a new movie coming out, and so why not give it a shot? And so, we sent it in.”

Although Guarini’s “New Moon” fate is still up in the air, he did say that the folks at the Chop Shop, the film’s music supervisors, have told him they’ve given the song a listen and will let him know if he makes the cut as soon as the decision is made. Guarini said that’s more than enough recognition for now. “I’m just happy they are considering it,” said the TV Guide Channel host, who’s currently working on his third full-length album. “It would be an honor to be on the soundtrack.”

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