Charlie Bewley(Demetri) Interview

May 25th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Twilight Lexicon has posted an interview with Charlie Bewely, who plays Demetri in the upcoming The Twilight Saga: New Moon!

4) How did you and the other Volturi cast members build your character relationships?

Dan Cudmore and I met for coffee a couple of times to discuss life before shooting. Otherwise, I didn’t meet most of the cast until the day of shooting. Not ideal, however, I had formed opinions on each of the other Volturi members as well as Edward, Bella and Alice, so I interacted with each accordingly in scene.

It’s Felix who I am allowed most interaction with and as such, we spoke about our relationship in depth. In life, Dan and I are two very similar people; sportsmen, scrappers, Rollerbladers Anonymous members… but the way we come across is very different; perfect contrast for these two roles. We shared rides into set in the morning and got on supremely. Our alliance in life is very natural and this should translate well to the on-screen relationship between the two guards.

To read more, click HERE!

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