What did you love most about the New Moon Trailer?

Jun 2nd, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

Hey guys!  We want to know what you thought of The Twilight Saga: New Moon Movie Trailer?!?!?!  Leave your thoughts in the Comments section below, and we might read them on the next show!

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117 Comments to “What did you love most about the New Moon Trailer?”

  1. Izzy says:

    omg i cried wen i saw it i was so happy. it was amazing. you can tell the directing and special effects r soo much better. The break up scene looks heartbreaking and it sticks to the book almost perfectly. The meadow scen with laurent is my favorite and kristen looks much prettier in this movie and an imporved actress. lastly, the birthdya party. wow. is all i have to say

  2. Carrie says:

    I really liked it, except for the part where Laurent and Bella are in the meadow. He did not walk up to her and brush her face like that. And also, they obviously cut out part of the scene where Jake attacks Laurent. It you look directly in front of Bella when she runs from Laurent you see trees. It wasn’t like she was in Jake’s backyard. She ran through the forest to Jake’s house and then Jake runs and phases. Now I understand how some are angry when Jake phases in front of Bella. It wasn’t in the book. but they cannot follow the book word for word. Some things must be changed. I do not agree with this change, but let’s try to understand why Chris (the director) had to change these things. But look at Twilight, it wasn’t that close to the book either. The prom was way off and so was part of the Port Angeles scenes. Some things can’t stay the same. In my opinion, Twilight was amazing overall, but there are things I would change. It’s just the way the movie buisness works. But I know one thing for sure, New Moon will oushine Twilight by a landslide.

  3. christina V says:

    This scence is what I love the most!! We see Jake nice and buff, and then we see him taking charge. I wasn’t a big jake fan of Jake, BUT man he is BAD ASS!!! Kristen is still getting on my nerves, she need to get some acting lessons. I am still so excited, I can’t wait to see more trailer. I wish I could be involve in this whole twilight project. SIGH!! :0(….Great trailer.

  4. Jessica says:

    Overally I’m happy with it, I definitely squealed like a little fangirl when it came on! I think that the werewolf transformation looks amazing and seamless…except the werewolf himself actually looks kinda cuddly, like a big dog, not terrifying like they’re supposed to be. The one thing I’m worried about is that Edward’s goodbye scene in the forest didn’t actually seem all that heart-wrenching, but I’m hoping that was just editing. I’m hoping that they show the full extent of how mean he had to be, how hurtful. That scene could make or break the movie. And MAN, could they squeeze more hotness into one movie?! 🙂 Overall happy, looking forward to the full-length trailer! Can’t wait til midnight showing tickets go on sale!

  5. Elle says:

    Not to be the downer but jeez Laurent’s voice sounds so funny!! I realise they’re going for an oldie french sound but he sounds like he’s talking with a bouncey ball in his mouth!

  6. Miranda C. says:

    I like seeing the trailer of New Moon the birthday scene was worth seeing it was one of my favorite parts in the book the only thing though jaspers hair looked so different than the first movie I think they should always keep the hair the same if I’m wrong I sorry .. .. and laurant looked so bad he almost looked like a zombie from the night of the living dead lol sorry had to say it but all and all I really like the trailer so can’t wait to see the movie when it comes out and jacob turning into the wolf wow I really liked that and damn he looks fine lol but I’m still Team Edward all the way lol sorry for the spelling girls later chicas

  7. Julia C says:

    My first reaction to the New Moon trailer was, “WOW!” The special effects and film quality all together seem much better than the last one because of the bigger budget, which I’m happy about. The wolf was definitely different than I imagined, but I guess I expected that much. It just looks smaller than I thought and more gentle, not as terrifying. Lastly, I think a lot of people were angry about how Jake phases in front of Bella to get to Laurent (I know I was), but in an interview with Taylor Lautner after the trailer aired, he said that when he has the tank top on and is running and phasing, that it is the scene with Paul, not with Laurent. So I don’t want everyone to worry about that. All in all though, I think it was great, I just wish we could’ve seen some of the drama that comes at the end, although I know we couldn’t because they had just filmed it a few days ago. I love your podcast!

  8. Carrie says:

    omg number two is by a girl named carrie too!! that’s awsome. I agree with her by the way. great minds think alike.

  9. Lee says:

    I loooooveeeedd it!!! I have watched it over and over and it looks amazing! The special effects look much better then I thought they would and the wolves are gonna be awesome! My favorite part is when jacob is running (in his amazing new found hugeness/hotness) and he shape shifts!!! It just shows how it is all going to come together and gets you excited to see more! Kassie, I have to say that I agree with you 100% about not being a jacob fan but LOVING Taylor, especially after seeing the New Moon Trailer….can you say HOT!!!????!!!!
    I do have to say however that I did not care for laurant’s new look and I think his accent has changed. I really hope Bella has a better reaction then what we saw on the trailer to Edward leaving because she didn’t really even seem to react other then rolling up into a ball! I am gonna need more then that to make it believable and like the book for me. Kassie, I also agree with you on your oppinion of Bella and Edward…she is really annoying and he should not go kill himself, he needs to come and find me. LOL! Love, Love, Love the podcast you girls are amazing, beautiful and super funny.

  10. Cherry Garcia says:

    OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!! Jacob is sooo HOT, even in wolf form (that was one hot wolf *giggle*). The birthday scene looks like it is going to be really good. I am worried about the break-up scene with Edward in the forest it didn’t actually seem that heart-wrenching as it should be. I want I cry at that part not just think ‘Oh, how sad’. The special effects and film quality seem a lot better then in Twilight. Like Laurent’s eye color. In Twilight I could barely tell that his eyes were red, but in the trailor I could tottaly see the red in his eyes. I think Chris is going to make a great New Moon! Can’t Wait!!!

  11. Tammy says:

    I really liked it — I was kinda worried about how they would handle the wolf transformations; but was pleasantly surprised. it looked great! Can’t wait to see the rest of the movie!

  12. Jasmine says:

    OH MY EDWARD! I LOVE THE TRAILER!!! It’s amazing! But I have to admit that at first I had the same reaction as you Kallie! Like at first it was great and all but I was like “eh. This is alright.” Then near the end I was like “OME! THIS IS SOOO INTENSE!” The transformation from Jacob to werewolf is AWESOME! And espicially the part where Bella is like “RUN JAKE!” T

  13. Bailey says:

    just to clear something up isnt the part where jacob phase in front of bella part of that dream she aways has where she is in the forest and she keeps seeing jacob and tries to get him to go a way maybe i am wrong but that makes sense to me…..any way my favorite part of the trailer was when they are at the birthday party because that is totally how i picuted it even down to how she reacts to a papercut i just love the look edward gives her when she is on the floor and then he turns to her it is basically him shouting i told you so extreamly loud in his head… also gotta love the jacob transformation they got the werewolf down and i have to give the new director credit for making this look way better than i was expecting! love the podcast keep it up! 😀

  14. bugs says:

    omg wonderful can’t wait to the movie. how many more days?

  15. Jasmine says:

    *that part is definitely VERY intense! So all in all! It was awesome! I LOVED It!

    Go New Moon!

    Jazz (Team Cullen!)

  16. Jasmine says:

    OH MY EDWARD! I LOVE THE TRAILER!!! It’s amazing! But I have to admit that at first I had the same reaction as you Kallie! Like at first it was great and all but I was like “eh. This is alright.” Then near the end I was like “OME! THIS IS SOOO INTENSE!” The transformation from Jacob to werewolf is AWESOME! And espicially the part where Bella is like “RUN JAKE!” That part is definitely VERY intense! So all in all! It was awesome! I LOVED It!

    Go New Moon!

    Jazz (Team Cullen!)

  17. Jess S. says:

    Wow I though it was incredible!!! I absolutely loved it. OME it seems more epic than Twilight. I though it was great to see the Cullen’s in the trailer, and you really get to see what it’s about. Jacob or should I say Taylor looked HOOOOOOOT! One thing I noticed that bugged me, Laurent had a goatee in the trailer and although I think it looks better, he didnt have it in the first one… so whats up with that? I mean that’s part of being a vampire your hair doesn’t grow I hope that’s not a sign of not paying attention to the little details. Love the podcast.
    Jessica S.

  18. Shannon H says:

    I think that the trailer is great. I am really pleased with the wolf transformation. I was very worried that it would be a joke. They have done a great job. Remember that while the wolf is small right now, I think I remember something in the books saying that at the begining they are all smallish. Any way you look at it, it was good.
    Taylor in HOT, but my mouth was watering when I saw Rob without his shirt in the Itally seens. My husband just keeps shanking his head at me when I look at the pictures online.

  19. Angie Campbell says:

    I loved everything up until Jacob transformed. I hated the wolf special effects. HATED them. It looks amateurish to me, which is disappointing because I was really looking forward to seeing the wolves come to life. However, that said, I loved everything else about it. The birthday party scene – amazing. Buff Taylor Lautner – AMAZING. Wolf – not so amazing, but I’ll try to keep an open mind.

  20. Alecia says:

    Oh my freak! It was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved the entire section when Laurent is there, and then Bella runs away screaming “Jake, run!” and then he erupts into a giant wolf! OMG!!!!!!!!

  21. Angelica M. says:

    I thought it was really amazing. How they translate the details and the images visually. Like how in the beginning you see how radiant Bella is, with a touch of make up. Then later after Edward has left and Bella is talking with Laurent, her hair is a bit messy and her face is so pale with no make up to reflect her agony. Just like Catherine did in Twilight with Bella’s clothes. How in the beginning Bella was wearing earthy tones and as she was falling in love with Edward they started changine to blues and greys to reflect the cullens and her love for Edward.
    Absolutely Amazing!

    Love you girls! <3

  22. Shamika says:

    I love the wolf, that my favorite part hands down, he’s so cute I just want to run my hands through his hair.

  23. Sonja says:

    taylor’s hot bod!!!!

  24. Peri says:

    Hi Kassie Hi kallie!

    Okay so i was wating in anticipation when i watched the awards for the trailer!!!! I loved it soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! and when Taylor had his shirt off omg or should i say OMT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The birthday party was AMAZING! It wasn’t quite what i imagined, but it was so much better!!! And i love how they showed Esme’s mortherly sense by hugging Bella and saing happy birthday to her. She didn’t quite get a lot of time in the movie so i loved it. The only problem that i had was that Bella didn’t see Jacob change untill he was fighting with Paul. And she thought that the wolves that chased off Laurent were those bears that Charlie was warning Bella about correct? Then why did she see Jacob transform? That was my only problem with it. But other than that I LOVED IT!!!! 🙂

    Thanks guys love the podcast.

  25. Kel says:

    Jacob’s transformation into a werewolf – amazing!!!

  26. Srijita says:

    i had a complete heart attack when i saw the trailer. it was AMAZING! i never expected it to be sooooo good. i was totally blown away by how hot robert pattinson and how HOT taylor lautner looked. i watched the trailer at least 10 times. i can’t wait for the movie to actually come out!!

  27. Mandalyse says:

    From start to finish . . .
    I LOVED the fact that they kept the same house that bella and charlie lived in, cause i would have been really dissapointed if they had to change that. The Numerous kissing with Edward = me jealous but still makes me want to see it so bad! Birthday Party . . . i do wonder why Alice got bella such an extravagant cake. Breakup scene…. I CAN wait for cause even seeing the preview made me well up a little. The scene with Laurent, I noticed his eyes were a little more “fire-engine” red and i don’t really know if i like that, but if that is changed i know the sparking is gonna be a little different. And then Jacob shirtless/Jacob transforming = PEFECT ENDING to the preview becaue it only made me want more!!!!!!!

    Some little criticisms . . .
    I wish they had shown bella’s “crazy moments” just so we could see how much edward is still in the movie. And i also wanted to see a little more of the wolf pack… but hopefully they will show up in future previews.

    Love the podcast!

  28. Megs says:

    TAYLOR LAUTNER! I have always been a Robert Pattinson fan, and both of them have clearly been working out for the movie. But geez … Taylor’s body is hott! And I LOVE the tattoos! Those are a big part of Native American culture and I think it represents the bond they all have.

  29. Mandalyse says:

    P.S. since Sunday i must have watched it like 25 times on You tube.

  30. kristy says:

    The trailer ROCKED! i am soooo stoked! the transformation of jacob into a wolf looks amazing……. the scenes they showed with jacob were two different scenes. cant wait……

  31. xanna says:

    i loved to see the scene were we see jacob tranform into a wolf and also the birthday scene they both look so good
    so EXCITED for the movie

  32. Paisley says:

    My favorite part of the trailer……………All of it.
    Does anyone realize just how utterly EPIC this is honestly going to be??
    That CGI wolf was unbelievable……..in a good way of course. Taylor fursploaded!!!! The best way to end it.
    If you didn’t like the CGI wolf, just remember they have until Nov 20th. They wanted to see our reaction to it. That way they could assess and create improvements for the wolf and New Moon before Nov 20th.
    So a lot of people are confused about why Jacob ended up attacking Laurent. First, they cut and pasted like three or four scenes and puzzled them together. If you look closely, you’ll notice that Bella’s outfits are different all throughout that one little section. Jake was probably still going after Paul. Cross your fingers.
    Blue/green vibe was gone. The gold/black palet made it much, much easier to tell the difference between Bella’s and the Vampire’s skin tones.
    Did anyone notice that Edward had the SAME OUTFIT on the WHOLE time?? Makes everything incredibly more heart-wrenching. It just shows how depressed he really was. Even something as simple as changing outfits didn’t occur to him. I would cry, but all my tear ducts are dry after watching it so many times.
    This is the year for the Team Jacob fans. Haha Kassie, I bet you were speechless when you saw Taylor’s hottt bod pop up onto the screen. I know it had me unsure of me staying Team Switzerland.
    Now this is what a real movie looks like.
    Rock on! \m/

  33. Brandi says:

    I agree completly with Paisley!! Everything that was said I would have!! 🙂 EEKKK CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!

  34. zhan says:

    I’m very excited for New Moon! =)
    I think it will be amazing… however, the only flaw that I saw is the transition of Jacob to a werewolf! It’s unrealistic, but of course, CGI ain’t that easy… What happened to his clothes??? It got ripped off and *poof* where has it gone? To ashes? LOL!!! Although, I may say that the werewolf looks real and good!!! =) Chris Weitz should have enough experience of CGI on animal as we can see them in Golden Compass. Hope there will be more good stuff in New Moon from him!! =)

  35. riley says:

    I absolutely loved the scene where Jacob explodes into a wolf. It totally swayed my vote over to Team Jacob! Plus the fact that Edward is a back-stabbing jerk who puts Bella’s life in danger!!! If bella hadnt heard Edward voice she wouldnt have done more dangerous things, which led alice to believe she was dead because she can’t see wolves in her visions. then she told Rosalie whi told Edward who decided to go galivanting off to Italy and kill him self in the most dangerous and cruel way possible (VOLTURI)! Sorry for getting off track. oops. Also the Jasper trying to kill Bella scene was pretty cool though jackson’s hair didnt really do it for me! Over all a totally amazing trailer to get fans excited for the Movie! Thanks so much cant wait to here the podcast!

  36. Mimi says:

    i know probably everyone else will be saying this so its nothing new.. but…JACOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he looked so AH-MAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. angela says:

    i love jacob on wolf form!!!! so cute

  38. Izzy says:

    ok and omg everyone. new moon is going to be wayyyyy better than twilight. chris seems to be an amazing director so far. of course thinks are gunna change but so far tht looked just right. i agree with jasmine. i loved the run jake! and then she dove under hm. it was clever. and transformation in the air. could have turned out a disaster but the effects were good. and i am proud of kristen i believe she has really improved as an actress. twilight was ehhh for her but new moon..in the meadow scene? her acting was great.

  39. Kimberly says:

    What did I love most about the trailer? Two words: TAYLOR LAUTNER! He is going to be the perfect Jake! It’s crazy to think that a few months ago there was a possibility that he was going to be replaced. Other than that, it looks like most of the Cullens got a slight makeover. Everyone looks so much more glamorous… exactly how they were described in the books. Ahhh I’m SO excited for New Moon!!!

    Love you guys & the podcast. <3

  40. jasper's girl says:

    LIke everyone is saying, I thought the trailer was incredible!especially for being the first one of many to come, they have definitely left us wanting more! I mean, they can only get better from here on out, and that leaves me so stoked!Some things that made me happy were the difference in skin tones between bella and the vampires. we can finally tell the difference between them! i thought laurents red eyes were fantastic, they were definitely a lot more sadistic looking and gave him that crazy look. the cullens look amazing!even better than in twilight. and of course, jacob was… i cant even find words to describe it. honestly, i was anxious to see the transformation, and i was kind of surprised when they showed it in the first trailer!but i thought it was perfect, it couldnt have been done better. and the scene were he transforms was when he goes to fight with paul, taylor said it in an interview so nobody freak out! so basically the trailer was everything any twilight fan could ask for, as far as i am concerned! love you guys!

  41. Carolina G.B. says:

    OME!!!! Ok, first off i love the trailer!!! Like really love it!!! I love the fact that in a way Bella looks more mature and the relationship between her and Edward is shown in the trailer as more deeper in this movie than the last. My favorite part (besides Jacob looking amazing) would be the kiss between Edward and Bella when they are in front of the truck. I also enjoyed watching Jacob jump into the air and turn into a werewolf. It is close to what I pictured in way, even though the colors in my head were different. I enjoyed (like almost everyone else) Alice’s enthusiasm and Esme’s love towards Bella at her eighteenth birthday party since it summaries their personalities pretty well along with the rest of the Cullen’s presence until the incident with Jasper. Overall, I love the trailer, you can tell the cast including Chris Weitz have tried their best to do an amazing job. Congratulation to all of them!!!

    By the way, Kallie and Kassie, I love this week’s question of the week. Love the podcast.

  42. joelle-marie says:

    I first watched it in the MTV movie awards & at first disliked it. but the more i watch & youtube it, im growing to be more accepting of it..
    •the first scene reminded me of twilight & i got the feeling chris weitz is not trying to make new moon so different from twilight (&its a series anyways so i think all the movies should convey similar vibes)
    •the way bella says kiss me is uber seducive. & her eybrow raise? impressive!
    •bella’s blood dripping to the carpet really emphasized the significance there.
    •edwards expression when saying goodbye in the meadow. it is priceless.
    •& the coloring was so clear! in twiligjt it was so greenish-blue. guess big budgets really are helpful.

  43. Monica Solis says:

    OMG, I loved,loved ,loved the trailer, I was sooooooo excited to see it, I let my 6 year old daughter stay up and see the clip with me and we both screamed the whole time it came out, we both said “Man that Jacob looks hunky” I laughed so hard. OK, I really think that this movie is going to be more true to the book, which is what I was hoping for, but it made me soooooo sad to see my Sweet Honey Vam Edward so sad in the trailer, he is really portraying the sadness that is in the book when he leaves Bella, he looks so dreeeeeeamy, I was hyperventilating after the trailer was over and have watched it about 10+ times since 😉 So, I really liked the trailer and can’t wait to see more of them, I am totally Team Edward but after seeing Jacob and the Wolf Pack, I think I might be buying me a Wolfy T-Shirt :), love,love the podcast, keep up the good work.


  44. Ashly says:

    Oh my goodness oh my goodness!!! The trailer was so amazing!! i certainly hope the movie is worth the wait, cuz man am i tired of waiting!!….Did anyone else notice that in the scene where shes with laurent she has a back pack on and then in the next shot when she dives under jacob she not only doesnt have a back pack but a completely different set of clothes on…I think they might be two different scenes that they put together. So maybe the wolf pack is attacking laurent just like it was in the book. I hope so i just hate it when they change parts from the book, cuz the book is so awesome!!!
    Love you guys!! Keep up the great podcasts!!!

  45. Stephanie says:

    I loved this trailer so much I cried!!! It was a great way to get everyone even more excited about the movie. I was really worried about the wolf transformations, but I think that they got it just right. I was afraid that it would look kinda corny, almost like when Edward ran in Twilight, but anyway… All of the Cullens looked awesome in the birthday party scene that they showed. Alice was very Alice, and Jasper looked absolutely ready to kill. Esme was as motherly as ever, and Rosalie stood back like she hated it all. I believe the actors and actresses have portrayed their characters very, very well. Also Robert and Taylor looked sooooooooooooooo gorgeous! I love Rob and the look he gave Bella in the breakup broke my heart. He did it so so well! And OMG did you see Taylor’s bod!?!? *girly squeal* Every time I watch the trailer I pause it right at that spot. WOW is all I have to say to that! Don’t get me wrong I loved it and I hate to burst anyone’s bubble but I did not like when they showed the blood go onto the floor when Bella gets the paper cut. You could easily tell that she was bleeding but I guess they wanted more effect, I don’t know. I cannot wait for the movie, and I have watched the trailer more times than I can count.
    I love Love LOVE the podcast and Twilight!!

  46. Stephanie says:


    I thought this was funny. If you look really really closely when Jacob phases you can see pieces of his shorts fall to the ground. I wonder how they will get them back on him???


  47. Bee says:

    Let’s just say, New Moon will be 100 times better than Twilight. Everything seems SOOOO good!
    I’m surprised they showed as much as they did, but it makes me a little sad that they showed the transformation scene. I mean, it was supposed to be this big AH-HA! moment, but I understand why they did it because they didn’t put in the original dream sequence, so it wouldn’t really make sense. But still, it will kind of make me sad.
    I love how Chris actually paid a lot more attention to the little details. Everyone looks a hundred times better than they did in Twilight.
    I’m nervous to see the break-up scene. It looked… kind of cheesy. Also, I’m not really sure what to think about the wolf… BUT! the transformation is FREAKING BOMB! Almost exactly how I pictured it.
    I’m really excited about the movie, and hope that it will be awesome!

  48. Mrs. Em Taylor Lautner says:

    OME.Wow……*catches breath* ok, well, so THANKS MTV! BUT WHY DID YOU HAVE TO PUT IT ON SOO LATE ON A SCHOOL NIGHT! I still bribed my pops into letting me stay upAND I saw it the next day AND I recorded it on my phone TWICE! so yeah that was WAYYYYY BETTER THAN I EXPECTED!!!! ok so yeah favorite part, PHASING!!!!! dude OH MY NARNIA! no, seriously, the wolf looked like from NARNIA! lol SOOOO WICKED AWSOME! and ok LIKE Kassie!!! I had a Taylor Lautner dream(but I actually married him and was FREAKD the ENTIRE time…sorta a nightmare actually) but ever since I LOVE ME SOME TAYLOR!!! and wow his like 7 seconds WOOO! My blood froze!(I’m still a vamp girl) ahha “RUN JAKE!” (yeah to me 😉 ) lol wow just wow. OH OH and the party scene! EVERYONE’S outfits are…well…to die for!!! so yeah congrats to Summit, Mtv, Chris, and Stephenie! LUV LUV!

  49. Teresa says:

    I’d heard that Taylor had really buffed up for New Moon, but Holy Smoke! He was a thing of beauty!! I may become a “Team Jacob” convert in November.

    What did they do to Jasper’s hair, though??? He looked like a dork (and I know that Jackson Rathbone is anything but). And the way they had him run across the room like he was running track made the scene a little unbelievable to me. If he had just jumped across the table, I think it would have looked less structured and more spontaneous.

  50. Esther M says:

    I have to say that I’m incredibly hesitant about the change New Moon represents for Twilight. Although I can understand the new director’s familiarity with special effects and fantasy might be an advantage, I think that the possibility of getting lost in creating cool cgi and effects, might significantly affect the intense emotional grasp that the story has on its followers. If New Moon does not deliver emotionally than it’s impossible to make up for it with effects. Hardwicke made an amazing movie with a relatively small budget and helped translate onto the big screen a story that already had die hard fans, she delivered. She created a mood that was representative of the book even though she changed details, those changes did not lessen the intensity that Twilight as an entity had to evoke onto us. I am what could be called a reverse Twilighter, I saw the movie and read the books after seeing it, had it not touched me I would not be obsessed with The Twilight Saga. I am hesitant mostly because this trailer I found stiff and dry, where’s the soundtrack? The soundtrack was a major contribution to Twilight’s success as a film, even Stephenie believes music is deeply connected to the story and there was barely anything there to reflect her input, Twilight’s trailers were jam-packed with wonderfully coordinated music. I hope she’s very involved in this project and it has her blessing cause that trailer has me a little skeptical. The acting seems to be much more controlled and there’s a bit of a spark missing, but once again I hope I’m wrong. I imagined the birthday scene to be much more alive and it was lackluster from the tiny bit that’s on the trailer. Also the wolf seems rather cartoonish, Jacob as a wolf is massive and menacing not an overgrown cgi version of Wile E. Coyote. I want to be wrong but can’t help but wonder and doubt. I hope Twilighters everywhere will support the franchise if it delivers, but demand serious changes if it doesn’t.

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