Host the HOST Blog Tour

Jun 4th, 2009 | By | Category: Book News, Fandom, Featured Articles

Today is TST’s day to talk about the Host by Stephenie Meyer! Kallie and I are going to talk about why we liked the host!  We also have the winners of our TST contest!  Which will be posted later!


I loved THE HOST, I loved the element the Stephenie used to create the characters!  Such vivid words to describe each of the characters.  I think that the part of the story that I enjoyed the most, is when WANDA is being put inside her HOST body.  I think that Stephenie used great words to describe how they get placed inside, and how WANDA looks.  I know this isnt right but I kinda always look at it as a small blob with hundreds ofsmall tentacles, that glows a bright white!  Thats just my point of view! I think that Stephenie is a wonderful author, who can write anything and I will read it!


The Host by Stephenie Meyer is a refreshing dose of sci-fi mixed with the enticing element of
romance!  The most interesting part of The Host for me was the colorful and imaginative world that Stephenie paints with her words.  I am a sucker for a good love story, but to incorporate aliens, enemies and dark caves had me hooked!  The complicated and complex relationship between Wanderer and Ian is what I loved reading about most.  There are several scenes where they are learning about each other, but after Ian sees Wanderer for who she really is, he says, “I held you in my hand, Wanderer. And you were so beautiful.”  It makes me happy to read about a relationship that is based on who the character is on the inside (no pun intended)!  After
the epic vampire tale Twilight, Stephenie truly produced something
original and fantastic.  I look forward to Stephenie’s future,
especially if it includes more stories about the future of The Host!

We want to THANK Little Brown for all they do, Thank you for giving Stephenie a chance with TWILIGHT when no one else would! THANK YOU!

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