Gil Birmingham Interview

Jun 9th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Twilight Examiner has a new interview with Gil Birmingham, a.k.a. Billy Black, here!

The site also has a new feature, Twilight Parent Examiner, a page that targets Twilight moms and dads.

Here’s the burning question regarding Twilight that all die-hard Twilighters question (or those of us who have seen the movie a couple dozen times!): Did you pick up on the discrepancy that, being wheelchair bound, you would not be able to drive? Is there an explanation for that or was it simply an oversight?

“I get this question a lot, and I’m always amazed by it. There are many individuals in wheelchairs who drive cars every day. They have specially equipped steering wheels that allow them to accelerate and brake with their hands. There is nothing out of the ordinary about having Billy behind the wheel. It also allowed for a better visual view of the “stare” that I give to Edward during the scene.”

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