New Moon Trailer Spoof

Jul 5th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Here is a New Moon trailer spoof, featuring guinea pigs! view
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16 Comments to “New Moon Trailer Spoof”

  1. Michelle says:


  2. Ash Pash says:

    that was funny!!!

  3. Michelle says:

    awww way cute! I love the spoof on kristen stewart’s face when she told Edward to kiss her!

  4. Sophie says:

    Even though I really felt like they were making fun of Twilight, it was so funny. I agree with you Michelle and I also like the part where Edward kissed her on the forehead and left a lip stick mark. It made me laugh out loud and my dad threw me a weird look. The guinea pig part was expected.

    Rock on! \m/

  5. Jess S. says:

    Funny, but I’ve seen better. Didn’t make me laugh. I like the iguana twilight trailer spoof 1000 times more!

  6. Eb-fan says:

    I LOVE IT lolz I L.O.L so bad!!!
    ha ha its so good!!! i so didn’t expect it

  7. christina V says:

    That is very funny

  8. Elle says:

    You had me at guinea pigs.

  9. Anika says:

    haha thats halarious!!

  10. Kevin says:

    That was really funny 🙂

  11. Waffle Fry says:

    This was cute but the HillywoodShow and EvilIguanaProduction ones are 100000x better

  12. Stephanie says:

    haha the jacob part was funny!

  13. gabby says:

    the pacific northwest duh!

  14. Sarah says:

    That was crazy!!!! But i loved it… even though they were making fun of twilight.

  15. Carrie says:

    AWSOME all i can say

  16. Jamie says:

    Hahahaha that was actually really good for a spoof.

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