Harry Potter Stars Happy For Rob

Jul 9th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Digital Spy has an article about how Harry Potter stars Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton are happy about Rob’s success!

“Speaking at a press conference, Radcliffe said: “I won’t pretend we’re best mates or knew each other really well but we really enjoyed working with each other, or at least I enjoyed working with him! He’s doing brilliantly, which is fantastic.

“The thing that is interesting for me, is that Twilight is the only other franchise that comes close to Potter in terms of the mania that surrounds it, the attention that the leads get and just how global it is.”

Felton added: “It’s just great to see someone who has been in Harry Potter have a life after it, and a much bigger one! So I wish him all the success and I will see Twilight soon, I promise!”

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