Interview With Twilight Producer

Jul 17th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

HitFix has a new interview with Twilight and New Moon producer Wyck Godfrey, who talks about the following:

* Why the production shot in Montepulciano vs. Volterra, Italy
* On whether the cast members are all locked into four picture deals.
* On actors and directors campaigning to be part of the new films.
* Will there be celebrity cameos in “New Moon”?
* On casting Dakota Fanning as Jane.
* Quantifying original writer Stephenie Meyer’s involvement in the movie franchise.
* On why David Slade was chosen to direct “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.”
* The difficulties of adapting “Breaking Dawn” to the big screen.

“Q: Was the film more action heavy for the actors like Kristen in particular?

There’s certainly things Kristen had to do that I think she felt a little uncomfortable doing and I think it’s good because it makes Bella seem like she was uncomfortable doing it.  The other day we had her jumping off of a tower against green screens to represent her jump. We had a lot of underwater stuff, you know, when she’s drowning and stuff that she had to do, which is kind of new to Kristen. So I think there’s definitely been areas where she’s pushing herself as an actress just as Bella’s pushing herself as a character. So you kind of get to see it on Kristen’s face and you’re like yeah, that’s what I thought Bella’s was doing.”

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