Brian Leaf Interview

Jul 22nd, 2009 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles

Spidur Munkey has an exclusive new interview with Brian Leaf, author of “Defining Twilight.”

“Each chapter of the workbook gives you eight words taken from Twilight and even incorporates some text from the novel. How will learning vocabulary words in the context of Twilight be different from learning them the old way with flash cards?”

“Learning from Twilight is more interesting and more engaging than learning from flash cards. Plus students will truly remember the words once they associate them with scenes or characters in Twilight. It might be tough to remember that “affable” means “friendly and easy to be around,” but it’s easy to remember it once you make the connection that jacob is affable. Here are more: Emmett is burly, Edward’s eyes are ocher colored after he eats, Carlisle is urbane, and Jessica is verbose.”

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