Kallie & Kassie’s New Moon Trailer Reaction

Aug 19th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

Reelz Channel asked several Twilight fansites, including TST, for their reactions to the newest New Moon trailer!  Kallie & Kassie’s answers are below, but be sure to click here to see all the different responses!

Kassie Rodgers, TwilightSeriesTheories.com

  1. Overall, what’d you think — good, bad, or meh?
    Good! I love it … I am so excited about New Moon!
  2. Jacob’s narration — necessary? Good or weird?
    Necessary, it gives more depth of what goes on in New Moon.
  3. What “scene” were you happiest to see in the trailer?
    The scene in Italy … looks so intense!
  4. Was there anything that made you leery about the adaptation?
    Not really, I am so excited to see how it all plays out on screen.

    Kallie Mathews, TwilightSeriesTheories.com

  5. Overall, what’d you think — good, bad, or meh?
    Is great not an option? LOL!
  6. Jacob’s narration — necessary? Good or weird?
    I think it was different, but good different. We are going to be seeing a lot more of Jacob/Taylor, and I think it was a great way to get fans familiar with him!
  7. What “scene” were you happiest to see in the trailer?
    I liked watching the growing friendship between Jacob and Bella! I have to admit I missed Edward though! 😉
  8. Was there anything that made you leery about the adaptation?
    Hmmm … not really! It wasn’t your typical trailer, but Twilighters are not your typical fans. I think they liked getting an “inside” look at process of making the movie, as well as seeing the new scenes!
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