Rob Talks New Moon & Eclipse
Aug 20th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsCanMag has a new interview with Robert Pattinson, who discusses his work on New Moon and Eclipse!
“As for the vampire craze that continues to fuel his franchise, Pattinson can’t comment. “I think we’re the worst people to ask about it. The problem is that, when I looked at it, I never looked at it as a vampire story, right from the beginning. When I try to play it, I try to eliminate the vampire element, as much as I can, and just see it as a tool to make their relationship a little more fraught. Right after the audition, I found myself bizarrely invested in the story and I hadn’t even read the books, at that point. I’ve gotten more and more attached to it. I’ve been talking about the script for Eclipse to people, over the last few weeks, and I find myself getting very argumentative, which I’m not usually. They definitely have some kind of power.”