Taylor & Kristen Discuss Killer Breakups
Aug 25th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsMTV has a new interview with Taylor & Kristen, who discuss the relationships in New Moon and which scenes were the hardest to film!
“MTV: He is very huggable. Tell us about one scene that you read either in Stephenie Meyer’s book or in Melissa Rosenberg’s screenplay that you were like, “Man, that’s going to be tough to pull off,” and tell us how you were able to figure it out.
Stewart: “New Moon” is riddled with all of that. I think it’s the one book in the series that I was intimidated by — in a good way. That’s the best feeling to start a movie with. But probably, my favorite line in the book is when I have to say to [Jacob], “It’s him; it’s always been him!” Like, I have to say that. Yeah, it killed me, it killed me.
MTV: Which was your favorite to shoot?
Lautner: My favorite one was — well, we call it the breakup scene — but it’s the scene right after she sees me shirtless and I’ve cut off my hair, all different for the first time. I have to tell her that we can’t be friends anymore.
Stewart: He attempts to break up with me — but it doesn’t work out.”