Twilight: 90’s Edition
Aug 31st, 2009 | By Lexine | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Site NewsI know that MTV just posed the question “What if Twilight were made in the 80’s”? But coming from a 90’s child, that sparked my interest. What if Twilight were made in the 90’s?
Robin Tunney as Bella
Bella was described in the books very simply, having a slight figure, heart-shaped face, and brown hair and brown almond-shaped eyes. If there is a nineties actress who can deliver that, and her sarcasm and give us some steamy scenes with a vampire… I think it’s Robin Tunney.
Jared Leto as Edward
Two words for anyone who lived through the nineties: Jordan Catalano. The ultimate mysterious hot boy. Plus, now that he fronts a rock band, we know he can wear the crap out of some eyeliner.
Winona Ryder as Alice
I know, she’s a little on the older side. But, the big eyes, the little waif body, the quirky personality… who could pull off pixie Alice in the 90s better than Winona Ryder? Which of course leads us to …
Jonathan Brandis as Jasper
(Please keep in mind that this is a best-of, super-wish-list.) He’s charming, slightly scarred, and not supposed to be the center of attention. He’s an all-american kind of gentleman, except when he’s trying to rip your jugular out. For my money, Jonathan Brandis fits that bill!
Alicia Silverstone as Rosalie
Thinking about blond bombshells in the nineties brought up many, many names, but none had the certain flair of Alicia Silverstone. I think there was something about her that every girl wanted at the time… Ok, ok, mostly her hair. It was so lush and enviable.
Mark Wahlberg as Emmett
Pre-1996, obviously. Post-Funky-Bunch.
Mario Lopez as Jacob Black
Ok, this is a major stretch… But those dimples? Those muscles? The way he tried to pull Jessie back from the edge on Saved by the Bell? Give it another second… there you go.
Tommy Lee Jones as Charlie Swann
Slightly boring, but slightly intimidating. It’s a nice mix for Charlie, don’t you think?
Keanu Reeves as Carlisle
Obviously, this is coming after he ceased to be exclusively thought of as “Ted Logan”. The Keanu of Johnny Mnemonic or Feeling Minnesota. Which brings us to…
Renée Zellweger as Esme
Young, versatile, very pretty and yet motherly as well. Ah, that’s Esme.
Leonardo DiCaprio as James
Come on. You didn’t think I was going to leave out Leo did you? If we are talking 90s dream team, he is team captain… of the bad guys, this time.
Dina Meyer as Victoria
It doesn’t hurt that she’s nearly a spitting image of Rachelle Lefevre. It also doesn’t hurt that she’s got naturally curly, tousled red locks.
Harold Perrineau as Laurent
Ever since his speech about Queen Mab in Romeo + Juliet, I have thought him capable of just about anything… I’m sure that includes a vague French accent, right?
So those are my picks for Twilight, 90’s style. What do you all think? Way off the mark? Spot on? Have any different picks? Leave them in the comments!