Death Cab For Cutie: Edward Vs. Jacob

Sep 4th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV had the chance to interview Death Cab For Cutie about whether they are Team Edward or Team Jacob!  They also talk about the existence of a 5-HOUR cut of the New Moon movie!  Click here to read the entire interview!

“OK, so again, having only finished the second book, I feel like I’m sort of out on a limb a little bit, because I haven’t started the third book,” Walla told MTV News. “So I’m really excited to see the film and sort of see if I feel like I’m still out on a limb. Like, I love Jacob. He’s great. In the middle of the book, he’s the one who’s taking care of Bella, and, like, where’s Edward? What is he doing? What an a–hole! But he comes through in the end, and, you know, we’ll see what happens.”

So there you go: Chris Walla thinks Edward Cullen is an a–hole. And that wasn’t the only revelation Walla had for us on the “Equinox” set. Apparently, there currently exists a five-hour version of the “New Moon” film — and, no, he hasn’t seen it either.”

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