Details On The Extended New Moon Trailer

Sep 11th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV has a detailed description of the newest New Moon trailer that is being released!  The new trailer is currently being shown before the film “Sorority Row,” but the exclusive extended version will premiere during this Sunday’s VMAs.  Warning: If you do not want to be spoiled, do not read beyond this point!

“But there is much more to the trailer than just Alice’s shiny yellow Porsche. The element that will probably get the most people excited is the inclusion of Dakota Fanning as the evil vampire Jane (only briefly glimpsed in the last trailer), who has the power to create illusions of pain. The new trailer opens up with a shot of her in Volturi garb and then shows the rest of the Volturi guard before revealing Michael Sheen’s Aro — the head of the Volturi — snapping a poor human’s neck.

The trailer then hits lightly on Edward breaking up with Bella and the heartbreaking shot of her lying bereft on the forest floor. But it quickly moves on to Bella seeing a vision of Edward with his car at Forks High, and then we see Jacob comforting her after the fact. One of the locations the twosome are sitting at is the movie theater in the scene Mike Welch and Taylor Lautner fought so hard to keep in the film.”

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