Anna Kendrick Glad Not To Be Tabloid Target

Sep 16th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Anna Kendrick talked to MTV about New Moon, Eclipse, and being glad that she’s not under the media microscope!

“The 24-year-old has had a front-row seat as co-stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have become paparazzi targets whose every sneeze becomes tabloid-news fodder. After seeing what those two have endured, Kendrick is thankful for the relative obscurity of her part in the vampire saga. “I would have gone insane at this point!”

With “New Moon” set for a November release and “Eclipse” currently filming in Vancouver, the entire cast has had to contend with the increased media attention. “Thank God that people exist who know how to handle that,” Kendrick said, speaking about the “Eclipse” shoot. “The production has managed to keep out a lot of onlookers. You know that they’re there. That kind of does affect the way you feel, but it’s one of those things — you just get over it. If there are a ton of background actors in scenes, it’s the same thing. You just have to tune it out.”

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