Occupation Speculation ~ Week 67

Sep 17th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Podcasts

Listen at Mevio or iTunes

This week we have fun speculating about what job each of the Twilight Series characters should have!  We also watch the 3rd New Moon trailer… and let you know what we think!  We hope you will enjoy how we break down the news this week… and the show ends with music from Get Back Loretta!

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7 Comments to “Occupation Speculation ~ Week 67”

  1. obsessed twilighter says:

    r they on itunes? bc last week and this weeks podcast arent on itunes….

  2. Katrina says:

    Hi – last weeks episode is on Itunes – I’ve downloaded it. This weeks one not showing yet but there is usually a slight delay so should be up in the next 24 hrs hopefully cause I can’t wait!!

  3. Jenn says:

    I don’t see it either.

  4. Jenn says:

    I got it! I had to fresh the podcast!

  5. obsessed twilighter says:

    i got this weeks one but not last weeks. part 2 of the chris weitz interview..

  6. Carmen says:

    I feel that Jasper should have a job in the counseling field. Since he has the ability to calm you he would be great at helping other when they are hurt, sad, depressed etc.
    Alice could work in the criminal justice field since she can see futures, She would be able to help someone before something bad happened to them. She would also be GREAT in fashion.
    Rosalie could do mechanic, she is good under the hood of a car.
    I will have to get back to you on the rest.

  7. Lila Mary Stacy Maher says:

    i think rosalie could open up a car garage, jasper open up like a martial arts studio and give fighting lessons or maybe a guidence counsler but fighting is more fun, alice open up a clothing department and maybe work for the FBI because she could see the enemies’ ideas or maybe a gambler (like who wins the super bowls or world series) and edward could be a mind reader and help ensure people of their future. Emmett could be a bodyguard for public events and concerts he would be great at that! Esme could open up a daycare center for little children since she is always calm and the mother of the house and Carlilse is just perfect as a doctor!

    Sorry its lengthy love the show gals!

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