The Host WILL Be Made Into A Movie!

Sep 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles, Movie News

Stephenie Meyer’s website and Variety are reporting that “The Host” will be made into a motion picture!  Amazing news!

I’m so excited to be working with Nick Weschler, and Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz to bring The Host to a visual format. They’ve all been a dream to work with, so lovely and collaborative, and I feel like we’re in a really good place to make a great movie together. And then to have Andrew Niccol writing and directing? Truly awesome. If you’ve never seen Gattaca, go watch it now. One of my favorite movies of all time. It’s such a great example of character driven science fiction, which is ideal for The Host, no? I’m having an absolute blast imagining different dream casts, which I would post if people didn’t take my silly blogs so seriously these days. I’m looking forward to seeing the cast lists you come up with in the fansite forums, and if any of them match mine.

So, very exciting. Yay Host!


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39 Comments to “The Host WILL Be Made Into A Movie!”

  1. megan says:

    OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! I can’t wait!!!!

  2. Andy says:

    EXCELLENT!!!! Am SO happy about this news!

  3. Starhie Nite says:

    Well I guess I should read it before it comes out, Alright that gives me a few year. yes! lol so my plan hasn’t changed, Kassie didn’t sell me on it. but i’m sure that its a pretty alright book. lol.

  4. Princess ali says:

    I like always agree with cassie and she didn’t like it so I didn’t read it…. Ok well at first I didn’t read it cuz it REALLY long but then I heard her thoughts….

  5. Robin says:


  6. olindaa!! says:!..
    but how!?!..!..
    i can’t beleive it!!!..
    i don’t know what to say!!!..!!!.. WOW.. really.. WOW!

  7. Amanda says:

    eh, i havent finished it yet so im not that excited. im sure it will be pretty good cause i heard its better than twilight.

  8. Amanda says:

    p.s does anyone wonder if this is being done to milk the stephenie meyer fan-group? like they arent doing it just cause its good but cause they know that it is very likely to bring in a crapload of cash?

  9. RunEdwardRun says:

    I did not understand the book I’ve been trying to read it for the past year now and I still don’t understand it, I’m on like chapter four or something like that. But Maybe the movie will help me understand! I don’t know. Don’t hate on me but I don’t know if this the best Idea for a movie, I love twilight to death but I don’t understand the host. Yeah I’m happy Stepheney is having the best of luck and I hope it go’s well for her. Well Yeah thats what I have to say.

  10. RunEdwardRun says:

    I agree with Amanda I think they doing it because she’s so big with twilight I think they just want money

  11. Cassie says:

    Dude I have been dyeing for The Host Movie! Even though I read the book about a little bit more than 2 months ago

  12. Luna Eclipse says:


  13. Brandi says:

    DUDES IM SOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. kim says:

    will take a special writer. much of the story takes place in the lead characters head…
    but you never know…

    as for understanding it… it’s pretty simple… try again…

  15. amidalia says:

    Super exciting… if you are having a hard time reading it try listening to the audio book. It is very well done and makes it less confusing with the different voices.

  16. obsessedtwilighter says:

    woow!! yay!

    i just hope they dont ruin it like they did to twilight. at least new moon looks better

  17. Lily says:

    that means i gotta read the book

  18. Elle says:

    The director of Gattaca!! Yay it’s going to be amazing!

  19. 57 days till New Moon!!! says:

    RunEdwardRun, you really have to get deeper into the book to understand it. I will admit, it was a hard start for me, also (and I’m the kind of girl who will read cereal boxes for something to read!) but once I got more into it, it was an awesome read! The important thing to remember is (without giving anything away in the plot, etc) that Wanda IS Melanie… think “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” only with kind and gentle aliens. Hope this helps some!

  20. Lin says:

    aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! =) this is exciting! Maybe they are taking advante of Steph’s fans though… but it would make a great movie.

  21. AshMartini says:


  22. KK says:



  23. Lyncoln says:

    Jensen Ackles and Sophia Bush!!!! Seriously!!

  24. RunEdwardRun says:

    I guess all try to get into the book, I mean I tried so hard to I’ve the first few chapter over and over, I just don’t think it’s working for me. I mean I read 24/7 I just don’t understand this book very much. Thanks for your help tho!!!!

  25. Robby says:

    LOVE the book, LOVE the news 😀 I just can’t wait~ I must say that I’ll be anticipating this more than the twilights movies 😛

  26. julia says:

    omg!!!!!!!!!! i amm soo excited! when i read this i practically peed my pants! i absolutlyy LOVED the host… i can see why ppl wouldn’t want to read it.. but trust me guys!! this book is a little slow in the begginging but it gets soooo much betterr! ahhhh i’m soo excited i can’t wait for the movie!

  27. Morgan says:

    OMG i have been waiting for this since i have read the book!!!!!!!! i already have a good idea for a cast lol i have read that book 9 times and could tell u everything there is to know about the host!!!! AAAAHHHHHHH

  28. Sasha Metzinger says:

    YAY I LE THAT BOOK! I CAN’T WAIT!!! :):):):):)

  29. Halle says:

    Dang it! I wanted to direct that! lol o well i am thrilled for this movie to come out.

  30. Linzie says:

    well i guess if yur goin to have awesome books and twilight was asshuin i guess the host will be big too…

  31. Dabney says:

    Can’t wait juat finished the bookk ahahhhhahhahhhhhhah

  32. lana says:

    omg i cantt wait i have to read it again

  33. Becca says:

    cant wait too seee it

  34. Shteff says:

    it’s clear why =/

  35. lydz says:

    YAYFACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when’s it coming out????? Who’s playing Jamie?????(lolz)????????

  36. Halle says:

    what about keira knightley as wanderer

  37. amy says:

    Noway i can’t believe it
    i am sooooo excited i love this book

  38. Ivette says:

    When will it be made into a movie??? I loved that book!…I’m sooooo excited!!! =D

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