Italian Release Change & Rome Film Festival

Sep 25th, 2009 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News

First off, the Italian release date for New Moon has been moved up to November 18!  Lucky Italians 😉  Second, new footage from New Moon will be shown at the Rome Film Festival on October 22.  Here is a translation of La Gazzetta di Forks, thanks to Lion&Lamb LJ:

Today there was the press conference for Rome Film Festival and here are the official news about the New Moon event:

* it will be on October 22, 2009 at 16.30 in a hall of the Auditorium

* before the event, there will be a red carpet open to the public

* there will Melissa Rosenberg for sure, the name of other members of the cast participating has yet to be defined

* an inedited footage will be presented, after the projection the public will be allowed to ask questions to Melissa Rosenberg and the actors that will be present

Presale of the tickets will begin on September 28 at this link

Above is a new Italian poster of New Moon.  Anyone speak Italian?  The quote says “Che scelta ho?  Non posso stare senza di te, ma non distrugerro la tua anima.”  Something along the line of “what choice do I have?”  And something about a soul maybe?  Help!  Haha.

Edit:  Thanks Kelly for the translation!  “What choice have I? I cannot be without you, but I will not destroy your soul.”

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