Who Should Star In The Host?
Sep 25th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie NewsMTV is speculating on which actors should play certain characters in the movie version of “The Host.” Below are a few of their choices, but we want to know what YOU think! Who would you like to see in a movie of “The Host?”
First choice: Summer Glau
Summer has played some really screwed up characters in the past, like River Tam from “Firefly” and “Serenity” and Cameron Phillips in “The Sarah Connor Chronicles,” so we know she would be able to pull off two entities battling for control of one mind. Plus, she can kick some serious ass.
First Choice: Chris Pine
Jared is supposed to be the epitome of male beauty, and for anyone who saw this years “Star Trek,” you’d know Chris definitely fits that criteria. We also know, thanks to J.J. Abrams, Chris looks just as good aggressive with blood covering his face as he does being sweet and sentimental. We just know he could pull off the two sides: Melanie’s love interest and an intense Wanda hater.
First choice: Brandon Routh
So what if “Superman Returns” tanked? To play a man who is able to fall in love with an alien an awesome, extraordinarily sympathetic alien, but an invading species nonetheless, takes a certain amount of empathy and restraint that were sure Brandon could pull it off. And without all the softening hues of Bryan Singer’s superhero story, Brandon would look good rugged and dirty. And let’s not forget about those gorgeous blue eyes!
Click here to view their other casting choices!