Three New “New Moon” Posters!
Sep 29th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsYahoo! has a new Twilight photo gallery which includes these three new posters for New Moon! Click here to view them all!
Yahoo! has a new Twilight photo gallery which includes these three new posters for New Moon! Click here to view them all!
I freaking love these! The Volturi one is AWESOME and all of the Vampires and Bella look GREAT! Especially EDWARD <3 I love rob / edward!
OMG!! They are sooooo cool. But im confused, Why are the wolf pack wearing clothes?? What?? Kassie will be upset becasue she can’t drool over Taylor’s hot bod. Haha, other than that, AMAZING!!!
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fantastic. dakota looks incredble as jane. and the vampires looks more ‘strange’ and unhuman like, which they are supposed to. it is going to be a great movie!
thumbs up! these are AWESOME… man, is it really less then 2 months away???
these….are…..amazing! o my god these are so cool i love them and 2 months away is so long
The top one is missing one important thing… JACOB! Haha no i guess that one is all good vampires but still 🙂
LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EDWARD IS LOOKIN FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AN THE VOLITURI WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CARNT WAIT ANY LONGER ITZ PROPER AGONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I soooo love them
everything makes me just more excited
but I’m afraid edwards cloathes will be too old-fashioned..
I hope itis just my imagination
and steph I think your right it’s pure agony
but worth it
*They’re… Ooops Honors English and I still can’t speel <— i noticed that and would’ve fixed it, if it didn’t prove my point.
I like the first than the third then the second
OK gotta say those are FRIGGIN AWESOME
1) AWESOME!!!!!
2) THERE ARE NO WORDS!!!!! (literally LOL)
3) CHILLING!!!!! (Alex is hot)
Okay…does anyone else notice how all the groups are linked by something? (Except for Bella)
1st: The “Cullen Crest” or whatever
2nd: The werewolf tatoo
3rd: All the volturi people seem to be wearing the same necklace…
Lol…just thought I’d point it out in case nobody else noticed.
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