The Twilight Movie Game
Sep 30th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsReal Arcade has an exclusive new game for Twilighter fans. Check out the details below!
As you all know, there’s a NEW MOON rising… but before it does, we’ve got something to test your trivia and get you ready for the next chapter to unfold. A new mobile game is launching exclusively on AT&T today, and we’re only telling the biggest TWILIGHT fans (that’s you!) about it first. If you have an AT&T handset, download Twilight The Movie Game for hundreds of trivia questions that will bring back your favorite moments from the movie (click here if on a mobile handset). Play solo or challenge friends to find out who among you is the most devoted fan. Watch the trailer and find out more on
Got an iPhone or iPod Touch? We haven’t forgotten about you! A special ‘Scene it?’ version of Twilight will be released soon on the App Store, and it will blow your mind! Videos, puzzles and more trivia will keep you entertained for hours. Watch for a ‘Scene it? Twilight’ trailer to be posted soon at
For a chance to win an iPod Touch, free copies of the game and other fun prizes, follow @RealTweeter on Twitter and be ready for frequent Twilight quizzes!