“New Moon Live” Podcast in LA!

Oct 14th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Site News

“New Moon Live” Podcast

Sunday, November 15th @ 2 pm

Borders ~ LA (Westwood)

1360 Westwood Blvd.


Thanks so much to Borders for making this happen!  We are so excited, and hope to see you there!

Join all of us…

and Twilight Facebook

for a night of New Moon adventure.

We’ll talk all things Bella, Jacob, Edward, wolf pack, Volturi, and beyond, and give you a glimpse of some behind-the-scenes details. It’s guaranteed to be a howling good time!

You must have a wristband to attend this event. Beginning at 11 AM on the day of the event, free wristbands will be distributed on a first-come, first­­-­served basis. Cast members are subject to availability­­­­; if present, they will sign one Twilight-related item-purchased at the store-as time permits. Date and time subject to change. Contact the store for details and event guidelines or visit the store’s event page on Borders.com.

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