Kellan, Ashley and Rachelle on

Oct 15th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Here are some pictures, quotes and a video from!  You will want to check it out!


Do you get to do your own fight scenes?
RL: I got to do a lot, yeah!  They let me do as much as humanly possible for me, really.  My stunt double, [Atlan Mitchell], was not human! She spent five years with Cirque du Soleil, and she did things that were inhuman – I mean I think the woman has gravity defying elements in her person so she made me look really good! But they let me do a lot, I was filming a lot of my stunts on second unit and the benefit of that was that while everybody was off on first making the main principle photography I was doing stunts with no producers around to go “you know we really don’t want our lead actress to try that at this moment.”  And instead I would be “guys, I can do it” and so they’d say “okay you go.”  So I’d get to do all these free falls and leaps, and crazy things that I would have never gotten to do if there were people around!

Who taught you about Twittering?
RL – Yeah!  Actually, and it’s so funny because I feel like he ‘s going to be like ‘stop attributing that to me!’ but I tell everybody, ‘Kevin Spacey got me on Twitter.”  Because he Twitters, and I did a film with him and he said that he loved it and was telling me all the reasons why he thought it was a great idea. And I say if Kevin Spacey tell you to Twitter, you Twitter! I didn’t expect that he would be a Twitter-er.  But sure enough he has half a million followers or something.


If you are going to indulge, what is the best treat?
AG: Oh gosh.  I’m a really big BBQ fan but when I’m back home.  I don’t ever eat it here, but I’m a huge BBQ fan when I go back home.  And Japanese steakhouses back home in Jacksonville too.  Because they have this stuff called shrimp sauce, yeah, pink sauce, shrimp sauce, I don’t know, but it’s this pink sauce that they give you to put over all your rice and your vegetables, and it’s really bad for you, but it’s so good.  Every time I go home I gain weight, I know I’m going to, but then I just work it off when I get back home.

Tell us about this charity you work.
AG: So I do a charity called Donate My Dress dot Org.  I actually got involved in it because I was so fond of my prom memories and how hard I worked to get my dress, so they asked me to be the spokesperson.  And it’s basically – it’s the only national organization that does a dress drive and we have about 50 other local organizations that feed into our national one. And then we redistribute the dresses to girls who need them.  It’s just encouraging girls, the dresses that you’ve worn that you’re never going to wear again, even though you store them in your closet and you think you’re going to, you never wear them again to donate them to the charity and we’ll donate them to someone who really needs them.  Especially now, because everyone is losing their jobs and were kind of in an economic decline and so it’s very very important and it makes a huge difference. People don’t realize it, especially as you get older, but proms a big big deal for girls.  You think about it from the time you get to like eighth grade I think until you’re a senior.  So yeah, if anyone feels so inclined to donate their dress it’s <>  and it will tell you where you can donate and they’ll send them on.

Kellan Lutz:

What’s your favorite flavor of muscle milk!
KL: the chocolate Malt.  As far as any protein, all the protein powder stuff it just tastes like protein so you need something that tastes great with it.  I mean vanilla’s great, mint’s great, muscle milk has just has so many flavors so it’s nice to mix it up but chocolate you just can’t go wrong with!

So if you’re gunna indulge, what’s for desert?
KL: Muscle milk! [laughs] throw some peanut butter, throw some bananas in there it’s like a milkshake! I love Pinkberry, Pinkberry’s great, I have a candy drawer, so whenever I cook a meal I just go to my candy drawer, I usually cook a lot of fish and steaks and hamburgers… as much meaty protein as I can and then throw vegetables as well

And what’s your personal style like, and what’s Emit’s’ personal style like? Does Emmett have a personal style?
KL: Not very.  He’s very athletic. So he likes wearing sporty stuff, stuff that maybe shows off his muscles, or you know, stuff that’s not too stiff. So that he could go eat a bear if he wanted to.    My style is pretty comfy.  I mean I just love jeans and boots, a nice little – Henley shirts, which is great.  Just simple, thrown together.  I mean layers are fun when its cold out, but when its not – I’m not into shorts too much…

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