100 Monkeys to Appear on Eclipse Soundtrack?
Oct 20th, 2009 | By Lexine | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, MusicAs we all know, Rob Pattinson isn’t the only musically inclined cast member in the Twilight films, and now maybe he won’t be the only cast member with a song on the soundtracks! MTV is reporting that Jackson Rathbone’s band 100 Monkeys is offering some songs for consideration to be included on the Eclipse soundtrack.
“It’s been talked about, but it’s one of those things,” Rathbone said when asked if he had been approached to have songs on the previous soundtracks. “We’re going to be kind of giving some of our songs off of our upcoming album for them to see if they want to put on ‘Eclipse.’ […] It’s one of those things that we’re not really pressing for it, because we just love making music. We love playing live and we just have so much fun doing it, that for us it’s all about the performance and not so much the marketing,” he said.
Just another Twilight cast member who’s in it for the fans! And with the big exposure that comes with being on a Twilight Saga soundtrack, he’ll have a lot more!
What do you guys think about 100 Monkeys? Are they a good fit for Eclipse?