Meet Alex Meraz & Kiowa Gordon

Oct 21st, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Vanity Fair has new interviews with Alex Meraz and Kiowa Gordon!


What’s it been like filming the third installment, Eclipse?

“It was a lot more fun being with the guys this time around. We already knew each other, had new stuff to talk about, a new director, and we actually had some scenes with the Cullens [the saga’s main vampire clan].”


Has much changed since you’ve started filming the Twilight movies?

“Well, I’ve got a lot more family members now! [Laughs] I don’t know, people say after the movie opens things are really going to change. I’m getting a lot of meetings with really great directors and producers—people I really admire. It’s a really good gig to have. The fans are amazing. They’re really the ones that are changing everything for each actor.”

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