30 Days Of New Moon Contest

Oct 24th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles

Twilight Novel Novice is holding a new countdown contest to celebrate the release of new Moon.  Chcek out all the details here on their site!

Novel Novice Twilight’s “30 Days of New Moon countdown to the New Moon movie’s theatrical release is well underway now.

And now, we’ve launched a NEW contest to help pass the time. We want you to come up with your best “Top 10 Better Than” list!

We want to give you the opportunity to sound off with your top 10 reasons about what enthralls you most and gets under your skin when it comes to all things Twilight. (Brainstorming suggestion: think about what you and your friends argue about regularly regarding vamps, packs, and the like.)

Consider highlighting something obvious (why Twilight is better than New Moon), something generic (why vampires are better than shape-shifters), something very specific (why the cool tones of Twilight are better than the warm tones of New Moon), or even something obscure (why movie Charlie is better than book Charlie).

The entries will be judged on overall creativity, but extra points will be given for those who can dig deep and reveal the most interesting and perhaps overlooked rivalries in their top 10 list.

Submit your Top 10 “Better Than” entry to libby.novelnovice@live.com by Halloween, Saturday, October 31.

The winning entries will receive custom-made New Moon downloads! The first-place winner will receive five custom-made downloads, while the second- and third-place winners will receive two custom-made downloads each. You get to select the theme, photos, and quotes for a collection of icons and/or wallpapers – your choice! And, of course, the winning “Better Than” entries will be published here on NNT.