Entertainment Tonight has a new TV spot for New Moon, which you can see below!
OMG OMG I CANT WAIT….less that a month to go!!!!!
they keep getting better.
omg i so can’t wait i’m counting down the days this is going to be so good!!!!
Jazz (Team Cullen!)
jeez. i really can’t wait until november 20th… this is so bad
well, I have to wait even 6 days more *laughs* but it’s really like ants in my pants….. can’t sit still….
Nice to see a little more of Edward! YAY!
Did anyone notice the voice over when Alice said “Vampires”. It sounded weird, but other than that it was great!
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OMG OMG I CANT WAIT….less that a month to go!!!!!
they keep getting better.
omg i so can’t wait i’m counting down the days this is going to be so good!!!!
Jazz (Team Cullen!)
jeez. i really can’t wait until november 20th… this is so bad
well, I have to wait even 6 days more *laughs* but it’s really like ants in my pants….. can’t sit still….
Nice to see a little more of Edward! YAY!
Did anyone notice the voice over when Alice said “Vampires”. It sounded weird, but other than that it was great!