People’s Choice!

Nov 9th, 2009 | By | Category: Book of the Month, Featured Articles, Site News

During the month of November we want to hear from you!ย  I just can’t seem to pick a book for Kassie to read in December and need your help!ย  So leave your ideas in the Comments Section below!

51 Comments to “People’s Choice!”

  1. If this book must be about vampires (or fantasy) then I would totally nominate the Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz. The fourth book, the Van Alen Legacy especially.
    If you’re looking for a fiction book, the A Great and Terrible Beauty series is teriffic.

  2. Heather D says:

    1)Lament by Maggie Stiefvater and it’s sequel Ballad. About faeries with great main character guys to drool over.
    2) If she’s looking for something quick, fun and non fantasy she should check out books by E. Lockhart. I just read Fly on the Wall about a girl who gets to be a fly on the wall in the boys locker room for a week. Also The Boyfriend List.
    3) Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson.

  3. Lina says:

    One of my favorite series is the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson, so I think it would be awesome if Kassie could read that. It’s filled with a lot of action and excitement and a little more romance as the series goes on. The books are about 6 kids who were experimented on and now have wings. They’re always on the run from the scientist who want them back. I love all of the characters for vastly different reasons. It’s so good. The first book “Maximum Ride” is a little boring in the beginning, so I don’t know if Kassie will like that.

    I also recommend “Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale” by Holly Black. It’s a little more edgy and urban and it has some romance, which I love. It’s about a girl who turns out to be a faerie who replaced a human child. She falls in love with a faerie court prince, but they soon learn that she is supposed to be sacrificed for the court. (I’m not telling you anymore than Amazon would.) I love these books, especially “Tithe”. Cassandra Clare, the author of “City of Bones” made small references to some of the characters from “Valiant,” the sequel to “Tithe,” in one of her books, the first I think.

    I don’t know if these are the sort of books that Kassie would read, but these are ideas! (I will tell you that I think “Tithe” is shorter than “Maximum Ride,” but “Maximum Ride” may be a faster read than “Tithe” because the chapters in “MR” are about 2 pages long each and it gets really interesting.)

  4. Michelle says:

    It’s edgier and more adult, but the fae fever series is totally addicting! Love those, and can’t wait for the next book.

  5. sadie (team edward) says:

    I understand where Kassie is coming from about reading long and draw out books. I wasn’t much of a reader before
    twilight. You really have to find something that grabs you.
    Blue blood series: it has twilight romance, 90210 drama and mystery.
    the vampire kisses series: little cheesy, but funny and raw.
    the immortal series: sexy, different and honest.
    everynight series: sexy, mystery and super naturald drama.
    house of night series: action, melrose place drama and bloody.

  6. wendy says:

    I recently finished Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater about a pack of Werewolves and the humans they live near. I really enjoyed it!! It is not a short book, but the action does keep it rolling along. It leaves you hanging for an answer until the very end. It also left me wanting a bit more story line too. But there is a sequel titled Linger coming soon!

    I have also enjoyed the Sweep series by Cate Tiernan. This is a story about a girl who not only discovers she is adopted, but that she is a biological decedent of 2 very powerful Witches. She learns her craft and battles some evil all while falling in love. There are 15 books in the series, BUT DON’T PANIC!!! They are all about 200-250 pgs. The series did throw me when half way through (~ book 7 I think) the author switched the POV of the character narrating book. But once you get over that, the basic story is good.

    Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan is also a fun read. Designed for a young (8-12 yr old) audience it is a very “clean” book. No bad language, kissing is as far as the boys and girls go, and the battle scenes, while well described, are not gratuitous in nature. People die in the series, but it is done in a tasteful way. The best part of this series is that it feeds my interest in Greek Mythology and was just fun to read! The movie of the first book is due out soon.

    Another good, but again not short, series is The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series by Michael Scott. It falls in the realm of ‘Harry Potter like’ books. A story about a pair of twins that discover their lineage and are thrust into a situation where they are working with the real Nicholas Flamel who is still going strong with his immortality. There are lots of mythical creatures and battle scenes. I have not read the 3rd in the series, but the first two were enjoyable. The interesting thing is that the author based all of the Flamel cannon on research about the real man that lived hundreds of years ago and the mythology that was recored about him.

    I think I have read every other Book of the month you have recommended, with the exception of The Host, and I have loved them all!! The only other suggestion I could make would be the HP series, and The Sookie Stackhouse Series (but not for young kids!!). If anyone has any thing to say about The Vampire Assistant series or The Septimus Heap story lines I would love to hear it.
    I wanted to ask your Book of the Month staff if there was a location (or could you make one) where you just had a list of the titles and authors of all of the past books you have suggested. It would be a great place for people to send friends who are looking for reading suggestion and provide your web page with a bit more exposure.
    Happy Reading!!

  7. lexine says:

    This was a book i picked up after seeing the ad in October – Lips Touch, Three Times, by Laini Taylor. It’s nice and short, and it’s basically three short stories that end up feeling like new Grimm’s Fairy Tales. New creatures pop up, new villains and heroes. I got sucked in because the character in the first novel and her friends talked like I did in highschool. Very sarcastic and imaginative, and it all felt very authentic. The stories all revolve around how one kiss can change your life, in good ways and bad. Give it a try!

  8. RunEdwardRun says:

    Well I am much like Kassie I hated read (Love it now) I have lot of books in my closet so I’ll pick some I really liked out hehehehehehehehhe
    Avalon High by Meg Cabot.
    All Amierican Girl; by Meg Cabot
    North of Beautiful: by Justina Chen Headley

    I hope you pick one of these very good books

  9. RunEdwardRun says:

    Oh and wings….don’t know who it by. Sorry

  10. olindaa!! says:

    ok.. here is my list of books that i have read and that are awesome:

    *The Gone series by Michael Grant .. (there are going to be 6 but there are only 2 out) is about a little town were one day all adults just desapear and every kid under 15 stays, and they could not get out of town because there is something stoping them.. imagine a world just for kids.. at first might be fun but later.. who knows

    *Circu du freak series by Daren Shan (i love the books and the movie was awesome!..) is about vampires.. is not the twilight kind, there is not much romance, is more like the action kinda book.. there are 12 books.. but they are really small.

    *Percy Jackson and The Olympians series by Rick Riordan… (the movie will come out in february!!.. yay!) they are books for kids.. actually my sister was reading them.. and i didn’t have any book to read so i start them and i couldn’t stop!.. is about greek mithology.. is really fun to read.. i love them.. and is an easy reading!.. there is a lot of action ๐Ÿ™‚

    *The Summoning series by Kelley Armsrong.. (there are 2, the 3rd one is going to come out in february!) is about a girl, chloe, that can see ghosts, everybody thinks she is crazy so her dad send her to a “special home” for troubled teens, where she will discover that the home isn’t what it seems.

  11. Brinean (Bruh-Neen) ;) says:

    Some good books I’ve read are;
    Love Cajun Style by Diane Les Becquets
    The Secret

  12. Delaney says:

    Stephenie Meyer has said “Whenever someone asks for a reading suggestion, Enthusiasm is the first word off my tongue.” It doesn’t really fall within the Twilight genre, but its still really great. It’s “Enthusiasm” by Polly Shulman. Hope yall like it!

  13. laCullensCantante says:

    i think she’d love the blue blood series theres so many sub plots in the whole series she wouldnt get bored

  14. Jeni B. says:

    Keeping the Moon or Sisters in Sanity
    by Gayle Foreman

    Pretty short and easy reads, but very good stories!

  15. Hoppie says:

    Has Kassie read “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins? I read it because Stephenie Meyer recommended it as a book you can’t put down (she said she was hiding it under the table when she went out to dinner–she literally means you can’t put it down!). The sequel is “Catching Fire,” and there will be a third book next year that concludes the series. “The Hunger Games” will be a movie, so Kassie might want to wait for the movie, but the books are terrific, with characters and situations that I can’t stop thinking about–just like the “Twilight” series.

    Love you guys!

    – Hoppie

  16. Taylor Pruyne says:


    The newest book ive fallen in love with is You Suck by Christopher Moore. i love it its about a guy who gets turned into a vampire and all the fun he has with his girlfriend who also is a vampire. plus his former friends are trying to kill him i really sugest it i loved it. The series im in love with at the moment is the Cassie Palmer series. that series is definitaly not for the younger people reading this but its about a girl who gets hooked up with draculas brother. well thats it in a nut shell but its full of all kinds of wit and humor. and my all time favorite book(and no its not twilight sorry) is Tamar. the book is set in world war to but its all about love and friendship and betrail. i think everybody could relate to it thats why i loved it. well any way love the podcast!

  17. Brittany and Ashleigh says:

    OMg, i’ve been waiting for this!!!
    well if you want out of the supernatural field there is LA Candy by lauren conrad which was a good quick read. And then the very awesome lovely bones by alice sebold and the movie for that is coming out in dec. that is supposed to be awesome. and then maybe ya’ll could read vampire diaries for those of us who don’t want to ruin the tv show which is awesome.
    love the podcast!!!

    -the 2nd most awesome sisters in Texas!

  18. stephanie says:

    Women of the Otherworld is a great series by Kelley Armstrong.
    She has a young adult series which includes the Summoning as olindaa! suggested, but i started out reading her adult series first (i love both however ๐Ÿ™‚ The otherworld series has 10 books so far not including anthologies. Kelley changes narrators in each story but everyone is in the same world and it just gives of the best perspectives. On book would be told by one person and the next by a friend from the previous one. Armstrong even puts her young adult series in the same world so its cool reading the YA and noticing the similarites because its one world. Its supernatural based (as the otherworld implies) and is narrated by a werewolf (Elena) Witch (Paige) Half-demons and necromancers. To find more info check out kelley’s website.
    I promise you, these books are amazing!!!

  19. Kiwi says:

    I would have to say Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater, I love this book and if you don’t feel like reading, the audiobook is just as lovely the voice actors really capture the atmosphere of the book. I got my one from Audible.

  20. kwamaa says:

    Gosh i looovvvveeee recomending books, maybe thats why i work at a book store ha ha, anyhoo here are a few which i loved
    A Great and Terrible Beauty series by Libba Bray
    Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
    The Luxe series
    Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult
    Green Angel by anne hoffman
    Identical by Ellen hopkins
    blood and Chocolate
    Bitten by kelly armstrong

  21. kwamaa says:

    o i forgot one
    Enthusiasm by polly shullman

  22. Sabrina says:

    Hey Kassie and Kallie ( by the way I love your names and I hope I spelled them right if not sorry ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love to read and one of my favorite series after twilight of course is the Immortals there are two books out now and a third one will be out November 17,2009. There not super long books so I think Kassie might like them. It’s not a vampire series though and if that’s what you wanted then Blue Bloods is a really good series!!!

    Oh I just thought of another one (also not witha vampires but I think Kassie said she was done with vampire books for a while right?) It’s three books by Scott Westerfeld and the first one is called Uglies.

    Love the podcast!!!


  23. Sabrina says:

    Oh and i forgot one!!!

    The night world series by L.J. Smith (the author of the Vampire Diaries which i haven’t read yet cause i don’t want to ruin the tv show which is AWESOME!!!) She also wrote Strange Fate which is really good!!! These books are kinda long but really good!

  24. Victoria says:

    OMG, I love to recommend books!
    Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
    The Vampire Beach Series by Alex Duval
    The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins

    Some of these are a short read, but they are worth it.

  25. Courtney says:

    Just like Kassie I never used to be a big reader. I first started to read Harry Potter, then I read a bunch of children books, then I got hooked on Twilight. I am now reading L.J. Smith’s Night World book 1. So far it is a good book. Kassie I think you should read these books.

    I love your show, keep up the good work. 10 more days, I can’t wait.


  26. Corinne Cullen says:

    Hey Guys!!!!
    I love all books that grab me!!! The Forgotten Garden, I forgot the author so sorry about that. It’s an Australian Author and she is Brilliant…. Anyway there are a heap of little books that no one knows about really so I am so sorry that I cannot help you…. Anyway of I was you I would Google: The Forgotten Garden, it is a brilliant book…… Thanks Guys!!!!

  27. bellamarieswan says:

    The newest book that i am into is the House Of Night series. its a little different then thw Twilght saga but it is still a great series. the latest book just came out and I can’t get enogh of it. I originally started reading the book over the summer my brother got my addicted to the series. and the other series that i am in love with is the Sookie Stackhouse series (aka true blood).

  28. Rachel C. says:

    ok, so i really really love the following books (and yes they are loved and in no particular order besides the first one..)

    1.The Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter. There are 3 out so far. I’d Tell You I’d Love You But Then I’d have to Kill You is book number 1. They are really good and i think most who are twilightseriestheories fans will like these books(as goes for the rest i’ll mention) and there are no vampires in these books, just teenage spies.

    2.The Blue Bloods Series by Melissa De La Cruz.. This is in fact a vampire series about wealthy vampires who live in New York City. They are superb books,really well written, and theres so many twists and turns that will be completely unextected. There are 4 books so far in the series, the first of them being The Blue Bloods. You’ll love the books and so will the fans

    3. The House of Night Series by P.C. and Kirstin Cast. The first book in the series of 6 (so far) is Marked. It’s another vampire series, is closer to legends of Native Americans than what Stephenie Meyer has written. Human’s know vampires walk among them and are dreading to be possibly marked. When a person is marked, they are sent off to the House of Night where they will become a full grown vampire, or die during the Change. Its really addicting so beware!

    4. The Maximum Ride Series by James Patterson. The first book in the series is The Angel Expiriment. this is an excerpt from the back cover of the book..
    “Do not put this book down. I’m dead serious- your life could depend on it. I’m risking everything by telling you- but you need to know
    Her full name is Maximum Ride. She’s 98% human, 2% bird. And the girl can fly.” The book is about Max going after a group of scientists who created Max and the rest of her ‘family’ what they are today- which is changing them from normal human babies into hybirds. Angel, the youngest member of the gang is kidnappeed back to the School, which is what they call the labs for the scientists. And yes, there is a little romance in the series too!

    5. If you want to go more of a suspense type/romance/MAJOR TEAR JERKER then the trio of books that are all together in one convenient book, then Kissed By An Angel by Elizabeth Chandler is the way you want to go. this is from the back of the book…
    “When her boyfriend, Tristin, died, Ivy thought she’d lost everything, even her faith in angels. But now she’s discovered that he’s her gardian angel- presence so strong that she can feel the touch of his hand, the beat of his heart. Ivy needs Tristan now more than ever because he knows she’s in terrible danger. Only Ivy’s gardian angel can saver her, now that his killer is after her. But if Tristin rescues Ivy, his mission on earth will be finished, and he must leave her behind forever. Will saving Ivy mean losing her just when he’s finally reached her again?”
    really good. seriously. but you’ve been warned that you will cry multiple times while reading this book.

  29. Jane says:

    The Moon Crash Trilogy by Susan Beth Pfeffer. The first book in the trilogy is Life As We Knew It and the second book is Dead and Gone. The third will be out next year. They are a fast read and deal with the power of family and survival after an asteroid hits the moon sending it out of orbit.

  30. Linzie says:

    uhw! yu shud read evermore if yu haven’t all ready…it’s so intersting in a weird way….im on the 2nd buk of it blue moon

  31. RunEdwardRun says:

    Hey it’s me again.

    So I’m reading this really good book right now, and I think you would like it.

    It’s called ‘My soul to take’ by Rachel Vancent.

    I think you will really really like this one. I can’t stop reading it =)

    Good luck with finding a book, if you don’t like mine =)

  32. Courtney says:

    I don’t know if anyone listed “The Immortals” series by Alyson Noel. The series is vampire like and there are three books. The first two are out now and the third comes out on November 17th. Which is today.


  33. Alethia .O-A says:

    Hi, this sounds pretty lame but
    “The Princess Academy”, I forget the author, but its a really quick good read, and it won an award. So check it out!

  34. Cassie says:

    I know this is such an old book and you probably already read it (meaning Kallie). It came out in 1980s it was made into a movie in 1984(Kassie would like the movie many hot guys). It is “The Outsiders” by S.E Hinton.

    I read for school and can not get over it. This book is one of the best books on my book list.
    This book is about friends who are really close but go through some hard times. It is begins with a big fight with the Socs and the Greasers.

    My whole school loves this book(Kassie I suggest you watch the movie and Kallie read it).
    Love ya and the podcast =)
    Cassie <3

  35. Carrie says:

    Cassie needs to read the Night World series by L.J. Smith it’s a vampire series that was never mentioned in your discussions previously, but their really good, a little action, romance. There are 3 books out their sort of longish but in each book there are like 3 mini story thingys,

  36. Andy says:

    Ooooh! A question I can get my teeth into! I’ll suggest books I’ve recently read…

    Right, where to start? Well, it depends on what you want to read. But, the first thought – like most people on here – was “Shiver” by Maggie Stiefavter. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed this book! The story is wonderful and her prose are poetic! (Is it bad that I want to preorder the US version of the sequel, Linger?)

    I recently finished “Hush, Hush” by Becca Fitzpatrick and I think that’s good. It’s a bit dark, but it’s a fast read. The action keeps you going. And you might like “The Hollow” by Jessica Verday (it is part of a trilogy though, so you might not like the ending…).

    Unlike love related, the only two I can think of is “If I stay” by Gayle Forman (almost a “Read In One Sitting Book” – keep the tissues nearby) and, for some non-fiction and on how the Harry Potter fandom used the Internet to spread the love and how we Twilighters have used it, I would say “Harry, A History” by Melissa Anelli.


  37. Jeni says:

    I’ve read a few different books, recently, but the only one that stood out was The Maze Runner by James Dashner. Its a short read but has a great story (especially if you liked the Hunger Games) and you never know what to expect.
    The following suggestions are books I haven’t read yet but I would like to get around to reading them:
    Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
    Fire by Kristin Cashore
    Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia
    The Tear Collector by Patrick Jones
    Midnighters Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld

  38. v says:

    The Merchant of Death by D.J. MacHale

    When the Wind Blows by James Patterson – The original adult book that spawned the Maximum Ride young adult series

    The Named (The Guardians of Time Trilogy #1) by Marianne Curley

  39. Ella says:

    Fariest & The 2 princesses of barmarre by Gail Carson L. author of ella enchanted
    Eragon by Christopher Paolini
    HARRY POTTER – Kallie i know you read them but Kassie come on they rock i did not like to read before them and now i can not but books down!!

  40. hope Lumbley says:

    two simple words to solve all your book needs Shiver or Lament!!!!!!!! best books ever i am in love with both of the main charcters and maggie is such an amazing author!!!!

  41. Alethia .O-A says:

    I already recommended a book, but I thought of a better one “The Compound” by S.A. Bodeen A really, really wonderful, quick read.

  42. Waffle Fry says:

    I don’t know if anyone mentioned these because I’m too lazy to read through all the comments =P
    Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead is amazing. Title sounds cliche but it’s really good.
    Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine is also amazing.
    Maximum Ride series by James Patterson is a really good sci-fi/fantasy thriller.
    House of Night series by PC Cast and Kristin Cast
    Books by Sarah Dessen, Ellen Hopkins, Neil Shusterman, Laurie Faria Stolarz are all really good.

  43. karo says:

    “Extremely loud and incredibly close” by Jonathan Safran Foer = ALL TIME FAVORITE

  44. Victoria Alice says:

    I am into alot of Book Series at the moment that i think are amazing (including the Twilight Saga) and i think you would love to read some of them. So here they are;
    1.The House of Night Series by P.C. and Kristian Cast
    2. Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler
    3. Dark Visions by L.J.Smith
    4. The Morganville Vampire Series by Rachel Caine
    5. The Immortals by Alyson Noel
    6. Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr
    Hope you enjoy them they are all brilliant and some are as addictive as the Twilight Saga.
    Alice =)

  45. Victoria Alice says:

    Also the Night World Series is brilliant =)

  46. Britney says:

    One book you have to read is Blood and Chocolate. It’s a book about werewolves, but it’s a little bit racy. I’ve read it a thousand times, but the girl in it has an amazing story. It’s a must-read.

  47. Tammie says:

    Soulless by Gail Carriger first book in a series to start. A book set in Victorian times about vampires, werewolves and parasols. Next book due out in May 2010.

  48. dabney says:

    I’m liking The Lovely Bones

  49. Katie says:

    House by Ted Dekker. IT is my next fave book besides all of the Twilight books.

  50. Gina says:

    Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

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