Classic Romantic Triangle Takes Monstrous Form In ‘New Moon’

Nov 13th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

USA Today has a new article on New Moon, which includes a few new photos of Kristen, Taylor, and Chris!

Stewart, 19, certainly enjoyed the change of pace on camera. “Both of them make me feel completely different,” she says of her co-stars. “Taylor is an impulsive actor, not Method at all. It’s very easy to smile with him. With Rob, we both tend to worry and over-analyze everything.”

As for any rivalry between the two male leads, “I think Rob enjoyed teasing Taylor about his exercise regimen,” Weitz says. But Pattinson appears more than ready to share the paparazzi-propelled burden of Twilight mania. “Rob would like me to say, ‘This is Taylor’s film. Rob isn’t in it at all.’ But subtraction equals multiplication in this case. It will create more hysteria, not less.”

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