Nov 20th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Site News

Below please find a couple of important articles that will inform you about Malware attacks on your computer by searching for “Stephanie Meyer” (the common misspelling of Stephenie Meyer“), or by trying to download NEW MOON illegally. The articles go into more detail on the size and scale of the attack.

The bait: a chance to see a pirated copy of New Moon before the much-anticipated vampire movie’s official Friday release.

“The lures all require the fan to first download a free video player, called streamviewer. But clicking on streamviewer.exe actually results in the swift installation of a wormhole, called a Trojan downloader, on the fan’s harddrive.”

To read more from USA TODAY, click HERE!

It all begins with a web search: Users search for “Stephenie Meyer” (a misspelling of the name of the author of the Twilight books) on the web, and find (rather high) in the results a link to a result reading “Stephanie Meyer at 365Multimedia.com,” with the description “Stephenie Meyer interview on Twilight the movie starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.”

Sounds harmless enough, but 365Multimedia.com doesn’t actually host interviews (it’s a desktop background and screensaver website), and the link in question doesn’t actually go there either. Instead, users are directed to a malicious website that takes that age-old scareware path: A pop-up alerts users that they are infected with some sort of malware, and then directs them to a download site so they can get a phony antivirus software product to remedy the issue.”

To read more from YAHOO, click HERE!