Munich Photos
Nov 16th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsCelebuzz and Socialite Life have a ton of pictures from the cast’s appearance in Munich over the weekend, which you can see here and here!
Celebuzz and Socialite Life have a ton of pictures from the cast’s appearance in Munich over the weekend, which you can see here and here!
MTV has a list of 5 reasons they think fans will LOVE New Moon! 1. The Acting Is Better 2. It Looks Great 3. It Sets Up “Eclipse” Perfectly 4. The New Characters Rock 5. The Line Has Been Walked MTV delves deep into the “Twilight” universe with two can’t-miss specials tonight! “Love Bites” chronicles
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Tonight is the red carpet premiere of New Moon! We will keep updating this post all day and night long with all the incoming photos, videos, and interviews, so stay tuned! PopSugar has some photos and an article on the long line of fans waiting outside the theater. We walked the line yesterday and it
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Only 4 more days untill New Moon hits theaters! Today’s countdown features our top 10 favorite quotes from the New Moon book! Which quotes are your favorites? Are there other ones you would have added to the list? Top 10 Best Quotes From New Moon (Book) “Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless
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Only 5 days left until New Moon is in theaters! Today’s countdown features our top 10 favorite movie stills from New Moon. Which are your favorites? Top 10 Best New Moon Movie Stills
Click here to check out some new photos of Kristen at the New Moon press conference, courtesy of KStewartFans!
Only 6 days until New Moon is in theaters! Today’s countdown features our favorite New Moon/Twilight items, along with the most random/weird items on store shelves. Which merchandise is your favorite? And which merchandise do you wish would go away? Our Top 10 Favorite Items Posters (because it’s the closest thing you’ll get to Twilight
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Kristen, Rob, and Taylor will be guests on Jimmy Kimmel Live next Friday, November 20. In honor of the event, Kimmel’s website has posted a couple of teaser pics, which you can see above! Love these pics! Thanks to Lion & Lamb LJ for the heads up.
ABC 7 has a new interview with Robert Pattinson below! If you have a hard time seeing the video below, click here!
Taylor Lautner will be a guest on the Jay Leno Show in Monday, November 16! In addition to being a guest on the show, Taylor will be introducing an exclusive new clip from New Moon featuring him and Kristen! The show airs on NBC @ 10pm ET.