New Episode Coming Soon!

Jan 7th, 2010 | By | Category: Podcasts

I just wanted to reassure everyone that Kassie and I will be back with a new episode by the end of the week… so stay tuned!

6 Comments to “New Episode Coming Soon!”

  1. Verónica says:

    Awesome!! Can’t wait!!

  2. ashlea says:

    hey im soooo excited cnt wait.
    love the podcast

  3. Emma says:

    Hi I’m a huge fan of your podcast ,harry potter and twilight Robert patison I was watching harry potter 4 I have watched it many times but after watching twilight I relized that Robert pattison was in it that’s my new favorite harry potter movie

    Team Edward forever


  4. Jeni says:

    OMG! It seems like its been forever!

  5. Chloe says:

    I can’t wait to hear the podcast Awesome!!

  6. Lily Alice Cullen says:

    cant waiiiittttttt!!!!!!!

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