Daniel Cudmore’s Dallas Appearance Details

Jan 26th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles



C2 Ventures, Inc.
Lewisville, Texas 
Prices announced for Twilight actor Daniel Cudmore’s
Dallas Comic Con appearance
Prices for Daniel Cudmore’s autographs and photo sessions at this weekend’s Dallas Comic Con recently were announced. During Mr. Cudmore’s Saturday-only appearance, the actor will sign autographs for $25 each. Fans may bring their own item for him to sign, or they may purchase an official licensed photo for an additional $5. Also, fans wishing to obtain autographs will need to purchase a $20 Celebrity Access Pass to gain admission into the autograph room; general admission ticket holders will not have access to that area.
A professional photographer also will be on hand to take studio shots of fans with Mr. Cudmore. Pre-sales and additional information on those photos, which are $30 each, are available at www.froggysphotos.com/dallascomiccon.html. Photo sessions will be at 2:10 and 5 p.m. in the photographer’s on-site studio. Pre-sales are encouraged to guarantee a spot on the schedule, but orders also will be taken at the show if availability allows.
Mr. Cudmore, who plays Volturi guard “Felix” in New Moon – the latest in the Twilight movie saga – will discuss his career in the Q&A room at 1:30 p.m. During the 30-minute session, he will answer fans’ questions as time permits.
Although Mr. Cudmore is appearing Saturday only, Dallas Comic Con continues through Sunday at the Richardson Civic Center, 411 W. Arapaho Road in Richardson, Texas.
Joining Mr. Cudmore on Saturday only will be Charisma Carpenter, who played “Cordelia Chase” on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel  TV series. Sean Patrick Flanery, who played the young Indiana Jones in the TV chronicles and starred in Boondock Saints I and II, will be a guest on Sunday only
Appearing both days will be Adam West, star of the 1960s Batman TV show; Herbert Jefferson Jr., aka “Boomer” on the original Battlestar Galactica series; and Anne Lockhart, Battlestar Galactica’s “Sheba.” Also scheduled both days are Peter Mayhew, who played “Chewbacca” in the Star Wars movies, and Cliff Alliston, a Rebel assault trooper in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Alan Harris, who filled multiple roles in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, has postponed his appearance for medical reasons. The show also will feature more than three dozen guest artists, including Heroes artist Tim Sale and industry legend Michael Golden in their first Dallas Comic Con appearance. Mr. Golden is responsiblte for artwork on The ‘Nam, Doctor Strange, Micronauts, Batman, Howard the Duck and more. 
General admission is $10 per person daily, and includes entry into the exhibit hall and Artists Alley. Children ages 5 and under are free when accompanied by a paid adult. Parking is free. Dallas Comic Con hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan.30, and noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 31. For more information, visit www.scifiexpo.com.

You won’t want to miss this…

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