New Eclipse Stills!

Feb 8th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Finally!  We have two new stills from “Eclipse!”  Yipee!!!!


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20 Comments to “New Eclipse Stills!”

  1. Sia says:

    Wow it’s beautiful and I might be bias but I love these more then the Remember Me pictures hehe ..

  2. Tara K. says:

    Sooo excited!

  3. Elena says:

    YAYYYY!!!! Oh my gosh those are so beautiful!!!

  4. Renata says:

    Sweeeett oh man i can’t wait until june!! ahhh!!! this is soo amazing lol

  5. Shanise says:

    Bella & Edward = boring

  6. Verónica says:

    This pics are so adorable!! They look so cute together! 😀

  7. Sarah says:

    i have been waiting for these for sooooo long! best part is how her shirt just happens to match the flowers!! haha coincidence???

  8. Jasmine says:

    These pics r so cute!!! Can’t wait till June 20th!!!

  9. Raven Lightwood says:

    I have a feeling that this is where she gets all horny and trys to have sex with him.

  10. Shannon says:

    can’t wait till’ June!
    it seems so close yet so far away!!!!!!!

  11. Jenn says:

    so freaking excited!!! omg can’t wait

  12. Stephanie G says:

    cute pics, but where are the wolfs, can’t wait for june

  13. Emma B says:

    I think this is where he gives in near the end and Bella tells him no. I can’t wait for the trailer!! Looks AMAZING

  14. samantha says:

    Ahh I love the pics! They are so cute together <3 I can’t wait till June!! 😀

  15. Stephanie says:

    Her wig looks really good, I had my doubts LOL.

  16. Christie says:

    WHY is her backpack there?????? RUINS THE MOMENT! I was so happy but then, HA there goes the un-elusive backpack!

  17. kimberly says:

    it is that scene but i tought it was during the night cause isnt it like the sameday as the fight wit victoria

  18. Nicole says:

    Is his hand between her legs? Hmmm just got cuter lol

  19. Candra says:

    Ha! I like the way you put that Raven. But I think its what Emma B. said. But I ALSO thought it was at night Kimberly, cause after that weren’t they going to go actually Tell Charlie about their engagment?

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