“My Soul To Save” Book Giveaway! — Winners

Feb 15th, 2010 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles

And the Winners are…

To be perfectly honest if any male gets too close to my face and screams no matter how quiet I scream… only I am not quiet.
There was also a story my father once told me when I was a child because I asked him what it felt like to be scared and he couldn’t think of another way to explain than to show me and let me know what each reaction meant. He had to comfort me after because at age 4 or so I couldn’t think of anything scarier than what he had told me:
“As a child, she would wake up and every morning they would find human hair in her crib. She didn’t seem to care but it shocked her parents to no end. They would secure each of the windows, lock every door and even stay by her side. Every night the hair would still appear. They say that there were three woman. One with long locks of raven block hair, one with swaying ringlets of gold and another with hair so red it burned like fire…” I think that was the point where I screamed. Looking back it isn’t that scary but I thought he meant that red hair burned… and I have red hair… Ya… I was a strange child.
Wonderful contest!


Hmm… I’m really not a scream-y person… but I like ice cream. Yum. (And that is totally relevant… riiiiight.)

I scream…
1. when I fall down
2. when I see someone else fall down
3. when I meet my best buddies regardless how long we’ve last seen each other
4. when I see a gigarmous frog in my way >.<
5. when my dog starts to run after said frog
6. when a cockroach is in a spitting distance from me
7. when said cockroach – who has super unnoticeable prowess too much for me to even sense it – crawls on my foot
8. when I see the most hottest guy ten feet away from me (and I really try not to do this when I’m all alone… so I hope internal squeels and screams count!)

End of Thinking Capacity…. etc. for short. :D

so many things
1. when i see taylor lautner with his shirt off in the rain (omg soooo hot!)
2. when i see a really long word. i think i have a mild case of hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
3. when i first saw a new moon tv spot
4. and when the first trailer came on at the vmas
5. when im in the dark alone and i see someone like this
6. i screamed when my friend made me watch 1000 ways to die and realized they literally meant that by the title
7. whenever i see the number 13 (i may also be experiencing triskadekaphobia)
8. when i see mice +/or a single mouse
9. when i hear new extremely epic twilight news
10. and when i am too frustrated to think of a 10th thing to add to a list
11. when i can’t remember something i was going to say
12. when i get brain freeze
13. and when i come to the end of a list.

We have a great new book giveaway here at Twilight Series Theories, and the contest is open to readers from ALL countries!  Three (3) lucky winners will receive a copy of Rachel Vincent’s new book My Soul To Save, book two in The Soul Screamers series.

Book 1 of The Soul Screamers series — My Soul to Takewas released this past summer, and readers found out why Kaylee Cavanaugh screams bloody murder when someone’s about to die.

In Book 2 – My Soul to Save – when teen pop star Eden croaks on stage and Kaylee doesn’t wail, she knows something is dead wrong. She can’t cry for someone who has no soul.

The last thing Kaylee needs right now is to be skipping school, breaking her dad’s ironclad curfew and putting her too-hot-to-be-real boyfriend’s loyalty to the test. But starry-eyed teens are trading their souls for a flickering lifetime of fame and fortune in exchange for eternity in the Netherworld—a consequence they can’t possibly understand.

Kaylee can’t let that happen, even if trying to save their souls means putting her own at risk.

Soul Screamers: The last thing you hear before you die.

To enter the contest all you have to do is tell us what makes YOU scream.  Is it spiders, homework, or a creepy clown?  Maybe it’s when you run out of hot water in the shower.  Whatever the case may be, just leave your answers in the comments section below. We’ll pick three of the most creative/funny/scary answers to win the prize!

You can learn more about the series and download the free Soul Screamers prequel My Soul to Lose here!

Good luck!

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