Kristen & Eddie Redmayne Talk Burgers, Brits, And Babies
Feb 23rd, 2010 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsPopEater has a funny new interview with Kristen and co-star Eddie Redmayne here!
Did she ignore you the first three weeks of filming, as some tabloids have reported?
E: No, she’s wonderful… I was by myself in New Orleans and Kristen was there with her family. They properly took me under their wing. I was even made a quasi member of the family for Mother’s Day. They were incredibly lovely to me. We hit it off pretty much from the word go.
So this call is to announce your engagement, right?
E: Hell yeah.
So we’ll see the wedding on the cover of People next week?
E: Guaranteed.
K: Just as soon as I have Rob’s baby.
Eddie has a very posh accent. Were you intimidated by it, Kristen?
E: That’s my favorite question I’ve heard all year!
K: Yeah, you know he was the first Brit I was ever sort of friends with and then I realized in meeting a couple more of them that they’ve all got the same scary vocabulary that he does.
And he went to Eton.
K: He’s a smart guy, you know.
Eddie, did you go to school with Prince William?
E: I did actually… He was in my year. I haven’t seen him since school, but he’s a lovely boy and a good man.
K: S**t, I didn’t know you went to school with Prince William.