Chris Discusses New Moon DVD, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn

Mar 4th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Buzz Sugar has a new interview with director Chris Weitz, who talks about the New Moon DVD and which scene he wished he would have cut!  Click here to read the full article!

There are lots of different editions of the New Moon DVD. Which bonus features are you particularly excited about?
I’m excited that my voice will finally be heard! For me, the fun thing was doing the commentary with Peter Lambert, my editor, because it kind of re-created the atmosphere in the cutting room. Peter’s a really funny guy, and we were able to delve into not only the behind-the-scenes moments, but to explain why certain things were shot or cut together in certain ways. So that, for me, was the most fun.

When you go back and watch it again, are there things you’d like to change if you could?
I would like to never have shot Rob and Kristen running through the forest and Kristen’s just turned into a vampire. Because everybody always laughs and it makes me feel terrible. [Laughs] I would have shot it a different way so it wouldn’t get that response. But otherwise, I’m very happy with things.

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