Only 3 Days Left!
Mar 17th, 2010 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Site NewsOnly 3 days left until New Moon is on DVD!!! Today’s question is:
What are you doing to celebrate the release of New Moon? And you going to one of the midnight release parties? Having a sleepover with friends? Or maybe you are just going to wait and avoid the mad rush. 🙂
Hey Kallie and Kassie!! I love you guys! I’m watching it with my Mum who has never read any books to do with vampires before, but started reading Twilight because she wanted to know what I was always talking about!! Now she loves the book and is really excited for the DVD to come out because she did not see the film in the cinema. This really shows just how great Stephenie Meyer is because even people who before never wanted anything to do with fantasy books are now reading them. I love the show and listen to it every week – keep doing what you are doing!! From Lilia, UK
al the movie will rock because edward and bella have a baby and she turns in to a vampier iT will be the best movie ever lol COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
anybody heard if there is a digital copy of new moon being sold with the DVD??