What Would You Ask… BooBoo, Jodelle & Tyson?
Apr 5th, 2010 | By Kallieross | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News
We are working on some interviews with Jodelle Ferland (Bree Tanner), BooBoo Stewart (Seth Clearwater) and Tyson Houseman (Quil Ateara), and we want to know what you would ask them if you had the chance to contribute a question!?!?!? Submit them below in our Comments Section…
I’d ask Jodelle if it was easier get into her character after she had read the Short Second Life of Bree Tanner? And are they going to put anything from the book into the movie?
I mean anything from the short Second Life of Bree Tanner book! haha OBVIOUSLY they’re putting stuff in from Eclipse!!!
I would ask Jodelle what it’s like being the youngest on set.
I would ask Tyson if it took practice to learn to pronounce Ateara (cause i had problems with it).
I would ask BooBoo if he has any relation to Kristen and if he ever disliked his name.
i would ask Tyson Housen the Quill guy.
How it was working with Taylor ?
i can’t think of any good questions right now.
To all three:
how are you most like your character? Most different?
Were you a Twilight fan before you were involved?
What was your favorite scene to film? (out of any twilight films you were in?)
for all 3: what other supernatural creature will u like to be (in a movie)?
To all 3: What do you like and dislike about your characters and why?
If you could be any other character in the series who would you be and why?
What has been your funniest set moment?
Who has been your favourite person to work with so far?
What is it like to be apart of the Twilight world?
Which book is your favourite in the series?
i would like to ask them all how did you feel when you found out you got the part in the massive twilight world?
whats it like working with rob?
😀 thanks xxxxxxxxxxx
i would ask Jodelle what was it like going from the “grim reaper” in silent hill to a new born vampire in eclipse?
i would ask booboo stewart what he thinks about his character for the fact he’s the first wolf to like them as friends not treaty ppl..
and i would ask Tyson if he had any trouble acting like he hate the characters even thought they might be cool on set…
i would ask all 3 of them if anyof them had problems on set and if they did what kinds? (friendship issues, crushes, mistakes,etc,)
haha..thats it…