New Images From Eclipse Calendar
Apr 8th, 2010 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News
Here are some new images of the cast from the upcoming Eclipse calendar, thanks to Loving Rob!
Tags: calendar, Eclipse, images, Movie, photos, Twilight
woah!! everyone looks amazing! jane looks really scary! ahaha
I hate Jasper’s Alice’s Emmett’s Esme’s hair!!!!!!! it is not their hair!!!!!! :-/
I think almost everyone looks good except Jane!!! What is up with her!!! She looks dead! (well, technically she is, but you know what I mean!) Ugh! She looks positively creepy!!!
Jacob and Sam look hot
Can’t there be more jacob in the calender
Liking Bella as the centerpeice!
jasper and emmett look wrong
noooo! they ruined my jasper!
i love jacob!!!