Eclipse Merchandise Now Available For Pre-Order
May 16th, 2010 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie NewsYou can now preview and pre-order some cool new Eclipse merchandise by heading over to Hot Topic’s website!
Any favorites?
Heres a question, if so many af us are twilght moms, why are all the shirts available only in miss sizes? Alot of the girls at opening night couldn’t wear the shirts that are being sold. My daughter has shirts hanging on her wall because she is average but can’t wear shirts that are being sold. I would have thought by now some one would see all the money that could be made if there were shirts available for everyone and not just some. And I can’t find any for men…….
the shirts look better then the one for the last movie
ew them tops are horrible and that one of robert pattinson looks like it is designed for a gangsta film you should make ones of the logo and everybody in the cast gets a individual t shirt . 🙁