Taylor & Kristen Go Down Under
May 31st, 2010 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsTaylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart traveled to Australia this weekend to help promote Eclipse (like it needs any promotion ;P ). Below are interviews and photos from their press junkets and appearances!
Pics via Lion & Lamb LJ
Click here to read the rest of this funny interview from MTV Australia!
MTV: If you came across the ‘Harry Potter’ cast would there be any rivalry between you?
T: (Laughs) I don’t think so, I’m a fan of those movies.
K: I am too. The books came out when I was pretty young so I’ve read them.
T: I haven’t met them though.
K: Neither have I. But Rob is one of them, kind of, and he really likes them, he speaks highly of them.
MTV: The ‘Eclipse’ soundtrack is pretty epic, but what is your personal favourite song from a movie?
T: I’d have to say that Amy Adams song in Enchanted.
K: (Laughs) I love u so much. Will u marry me? Seriously.
Twilight Eclipse: Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner from Alicia Malone on Vimeo.