Metric’s “Eclipse (All Yours)” Music Video
Jun 30th, 2010 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, MusicHere is Metric’s new music video for “Eclipse (All Yours)” featuring clips from the movie!
Here is Metric’s new music video for “Eclipse (All Yours)” featuring clips from the movie!
Reelz Channel went out and got fan reactions from the midnight release of Eclipse, which you can see in the video below! (Photo from Celebration Cinema in Grandville, MI). (Did anyone else notice more men at the theatre this time around?) Eclipse Movie Review | Summer Movie 2010
Eclipse now holds the record for biggest midnight opening in history, taking in more than $30 million on Tuesday night! The movie is also the widest released in history, opening on over 4,400 screens across the country. Source
Yay! Are you all getting excited? Eclipse will be in theaters tonight (depending on where you live) and we want to know your thoughts on the movie! This post is reserved exclusively for Eclipse movie discussion, so if you haven’t seen it yet, you may want to avoid the comments section. What are your plans
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Twilight producer Wyck Godfrey talks about Rob and Kristen’s relationship, as well as shirtless Taylor, in a new interview with Time magazine, all of which you can read right here! Everyone is talking about whatever is going on between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Is that good for business? Do you want the honest answer?
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Summit has released a new chat between some of the cast and filmmakers of Eclipse on iTunes. This episode includes Dakota Fanning, Bryce Dallas Howard, Xavier Samuel, Wyck Godfrey (producer), and David Slade (director), and you can download it here!
Click here to check out some new pics from the Eclipse premiere, courtesy of Sue Schneider over at IF Magazine!
Eastern Conference Champions, who are featured on the Eclipse soundtrack, will be performing two sets at the Grove in L.A. during the Eclipse opening! The band will play on Wednesday, June 30th, from 6:30-8:30 and will sign autographs in between sets. You can check out more of Eastern Conference Champion’s music over on their MySpace
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InStyle has a new feature that allows you to upload a pic and get your own Twilight makeover! Click here to check out what you would look like as Bella, Jacob, or, as in Kallie’s case above, Alice or Rosalie (Couldn’t get the eyes quite right, but you get the picture).
Reelz Channel has a couple of new Eclipse interviews, including one of Taylor talking about his onscreen kiss with Kristen, as well as some red carpet interviews below! Eclipse Movie | Taylor Lautner | Summer Movies 2010 Eclipse Movie | Summer Movies 2010